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Napping on the Night Shift: A Two-Hospital Implementation Project Analysis

Essay Instructions:

DEADLINE: 14 DAYS DUE: 4/18/2021

Write an analysis of a peer-reviewed article published within the last three years that is related in some way to the health professional programs at SNHU. You

will select this article from the Final Project Article document provided. These articles have been vetted to ensure that they contain the information necessary to

complete the critical elements below. Remember to read the article carefully as you will not only be analyzing the use of statistics in the research, but discussing

possible further research as well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Analysis:
Napping on the Night Shift: A Two-Hospital Implementation Project
Article: Brown, J. G., Sagherian, K., Zhu, S., Wieroniey, M., Blair, L., Warren, J., ... & Szeles, R. (2016). Napping on the night shift: a two-hospital implementation project. The American journal of nursing, 116(5), 26.
Napping is a necessity in human beings because it helps relax the brain after long working hours. It increases productivity, meaning that everybody should always take some nap to ensure they perform to their maximum abilities. However, barriers to implementing successful naps exist in some cases, especially where employees have to work on night shifts. An example of a profession that faces such obstacles is nurses working night shifts. Brown et al. (2016) found a research problem on the barriers to a successful implementation of napping on nurses working at night and researched it. This paper is a critique of the research report from Brown et al. (2016) study.
The study aimed to assess the barriers to a successful implementation of night-shift naps and describe the nap experience of nurses on night shifts. The two guiding questions to this study were; does overcoming the barriers to napping lead to a successful implementation of night-shift naps? And, what are the nap experiences of night shift nurses who take naps? From these questions, two hypothesis statements emerged. One is whether overcoming the barriers to napping leads to a successful implementation of night-shift naps. The second hypothesis statement was whether napping reduces nurses' workplace sleepiness and drowsy driving on the way home. The research questions and the hypotheses guide the study well because they narrow down the scope of Brown et al.'s (2016) study.
The research used an observational design to collect the data. The napping behaviour of the nurses was observed without introducing any control factors. They were asked to register their experiences before and after a voluntary nap while at work. Those who did not take a nap were not required to register their experiences. The study used questionnaires and interviews to collect the data. Participants were asked to fill a questionnaire form following each nap, including duration and timing of the nap, sleep ability, sleepiness level, helpfulness of the nap, and sleep inertia. On the other hand, nurse managers and nursing practitioners were interviewed after the data collection period on the successful napping unit. The data collected from these interviews and questionnaires were categorical because it included helpfulness of the nap sleepiness level immediately before the nap, sleep inertia upon arising, and sleep ability during the nap.
Questionnaires and interviews are good methods of data collection, but they have drawbacks. The responses are likely to be biased because respondents may not give honest answers while other questions may go unanswered in questionnaires. In interviews, interviewers sometimes ask leading questions that may influence the responses from the person being interviewed.
The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. This design helps to describe the collected data using frequency distribution tables and charts. The weakness of this method is that it only allows the researcher to interpret data in te...
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