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My Nursing Ethics: Why Am I Here?

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Personal Ethics, Max Points: 100

Details: After reading the Topic 1 materials, complete the questionnaire titled, "My Nursing Ethic."

Using the reading and the questionnaire, write a paper of 750-1,000 words in which you describe your professional moral compass. As you write your paper, include the following:

1. What personal, cultural, and spiritual values contribute to your worldview and philosophy of nursing? How do these values shape or influence your nursing practice?

2. Define values, morals, and ethics in the context of your obligation to nursing practice. Explain how your personal values, philosophy, and worldview may conflict with your obligation to practice, creating an ethical dilemma.

3. Reflect and share your own personal thoughts regarding the morals and ethical dilemmas you may face in the health care field. How do your personal views affect your behavior and your decision making?

Do not be concerned with the use of ethical terminology for this paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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The contents of My Nursing Ethic

Complete the questions below.

PASSION: Why am I here?

MOTIVATION: What moves me to act?

INSPIRATION: What keeps me in motion?

LOYALTY: Whom do I serve?


(30 %: Described Individual's Professional Moral Compass

Thoughtfully analyzes and develops a personal professional moral compass. Supports rationale in-depth. Not only formulates a clear and precise personal point of view, but also acknowledges objections and rival positions.

25%: Addressed How Personal, Cultural, and Spiritual Values Contribute to an Individual's Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing

Thoughtfully addresses personal, cultural, and spiritual values that contribute to an individual's worldview and philosophy of nursing. Supports rationale in-depth. Not only formulates a clear and precise personal point of view, but also acknowledges objections and rival positions.

25%: Reflected and Shared Personal Thoughts in Regard to the Morals and Ethical Dilemmas Faced in the Health Care Field

Thoughtfully reflects on personal thoughts about morals and ethical dilemmas in the health care field. Supports rationale in-depth. Not only formulates a clear and Precise personal point of view, but also acknowledges objections and rival positions.

15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness, 5%Thesis Development and Purpose

5.0 % Paragraph Development and Transitions

5% Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5% Format)

Topic1DQ1: Many situations can raise ethical concerns, particularly in the face of disagreement and conflict between parties. However, not all situations of an ethical nature result in values conflict or constitute an ethical dilemma. Explain the characteristics of an ethical dilemma. How do they differ from other situations resulting in disagreement between conflicting preferences, needs, or expectations?

Topic 1 DQ2 Consider the age-old tale of the father who stole a loaf of bread to feed his hungry family. Stealing is deemed wrong by our society and is punishable by law. Failing to provide for one's family is neglectful and fundamentally wrong. What would be the dilemma and the implications of such a crime on the individual, the family, the community, and society?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Ethics
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My Nursing Ethic
Passion: Why Am I Here?
My passion is based on a dream that I had since I was young that seeks to improve human conditions. I saw miserable individuals suffering in hospitals because of illnesses. Consequently, I started developing an interest to assist such vulnerable individuals. I decided to actualize my dream by pursuing the nursing profession to acquire nursing skills and knowledge. I became aware that for my passion to be relevant, I need to view all people in a similar manner as God views them with compassion. I believe that nursing professionals need passion to serve not only people, but also God. My inspiration derives from kindness and compassion, which other nurses demonstrate in their work.
Motivation: What Moves Me To Act?
My motivation is to assist people and to make a contribution towards the society’s welfare through bringing comfort and healing to sick people. Understanding ethics and morals in the nursing profession has enabled me to be familiar with the demands of the health care sector like the Hippocratic Oath, safeguarding lives of patients, keeping their secrets, and others. Moreover, because nursing is a challenging and dynamic profession motivates me to keep on pursuing the career. Practicing the profession keeps strengthening my faith.
Inspiration: What Keeps Me In Motion?
I started seeing many suffering patients while I was still young. I observed nurses moving in different places trying to assist patients. Nurses showed great care, and in certain cases I was moved by tears seeing how nurses greatly cared patients. The whole experience touched my heart. Consequently, I developed an interest to assist somebody’s life in the similar manner those nurses did.
Loyalty: Whom Do I Serve?
Though my employer has given me responsibilities to conduct what my loyalty is dedicated to, my actions and practices are under God’s surveillance. I must respect patients’ lives, information about their illnesses, and provide my services for the best interests of them. I will never go against my code of ethics, covenant, and oath. Due to these, I hold my integrity to give care and serve my patients in the most efficient way.
Moral Compass of Nursing
Professional moral conduct of a nurse is important because it contributes a significant role in the processes of making decisions. Nurses are frequently encountered in difficult situations when they are expected to create decisions which are ethical. Ethical dilemmas occur when the personal philosophy, worldview, and values of a nurse contradict each other. Nevertheless, most nurses solve ethical dilemmas in their responsibilities by observing the nurse’s code of ethics as illustrated by the American Nurses Association (Kathleen and Susan, 2007).
A professional moral compass refers to an inner tool such as the conscious which guides people on how they need to behave in professional settings (Linda, 2014). An ethical dilemma occurs when personal values of a person conflict with her or his practice. Loyalty, inspiration, motivation, and passion influence personal ethics, which give guidance to an individual’s professional moral compass.
My nursing philosophy is to offer holistic care to patients to ensure that they are healed emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I have a privilege of creating a difference in somebody’s life. Typically, patients seek care recovery from nurses. I, thus, ensure that patients including their family members obtain quality care and get satisfied with c...
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