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Research & Describe the Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer

Essay Instructions:

4283 E. Terrace Ave
Assignments Approach to Care
Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:
Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
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rubric to grade the assignment, this assignment is worth 100 points. I am a returning student to GCU and have always had a difficult time writing my papers, so I thought I would try your site and see if it works for my much needed help. I also included my mandatory discussion question post if it helps.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cancer is a type of disease in which unhealthy cells divide and spread throughout the body. The causes of cancer can either be internal or external (NHS Choices, 2014). There are types of lifestyle practices that are so much associated with cancer, for example, smoking, and hard drug usage. The diagnosis and treatment of cancer take quite some strength and time. This also depends on the type of cancer and the body part affected by it (NHS Choices, 2014). Cancer is currently becoming so common than any other deadly disease like HIV/AIDs. This article tackles the various types of diagnosis and treatment.
Cancer starts at one part of the body and can spread to other regions, either slowly or faster. The kind of cell carriers will determine the speed of spread. When it is developing and spreading, there are several ways in which it will be detected. First will be the changes in normal body processes (NHS Choices, 2014). These symptoms will not act as explanations that cancer is developing, but will lead one to seek medical attention so that they are diagnosed. That is the time when one can be sure of the type of cancer, the stage to which it has developed and the risks to which it poses. The risk can affect the particular part of the body or the entire body.
Several types of cancer exist. Some of them are skin cancer, cervical cancer (which affects the women’s birth system), prostate cancer (which affects men over the age of 40), lung cancer, stomach cancer and so forth. The names are majorly derived from the body parts affected. The treatment methods that will be prescribed will depend on the availability of funds, proper healthcare and the stage of the disease.
Staging of cancer is the level of risk that the disease has reached. Some types may be discovered after they arrive at a deadly level, some can be found as it starts and others may kill before being noticed. It is recommended that one goes for regular medical checkups to see any mysterious diseases that might affect their health severely.
The process of staging is of help both to the patient, and the doctor.it can assist in planning the appropriate methods of ammunition for the same. This will involve recommendations for diet, treatment and monitoring (National Cancer Institute, 2015). The doctor administering all these will have to be knowledgeable about the different ways in which cancer will manifest itself in different parts of the body and times (National Cancer Institute, 2015). If the physician is not aware of these, then they will most likely miss the gist of attacking the disease. For it to take place correctly, there are several procedures that are followed to site of illness, type of tumor, the size of the tumor, etc.
After staging, one will be sure that the disease exists in the body or not. When the tests are positive, there are tests that can help indicate the phase of the disease. These include pathological examination, laboratory tests, physician’s examinations and maybe surgery (National Cancer Institute, 2015). Should the experts fail to find the disease then, they will likely do a second examination until they are confident of the results (National Cancer Institute, 2015). This stage will also evaluate the changes after any treatments have been started.
Cancer comes with several complications. Some of these may be similar to other diseases. They can both be seen before detection and during treatment (MAYO Clinic, 2015). To start with is difficulty in breathing...
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