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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Multicultural Communication and Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Explain multicultural communication and its origins.
Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.
Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.
Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.
List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.
List the types of illiteracy.
Discuss illiteracy as a disability.
Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.
Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.
Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.
Suggest ways the health care professional can help a patient remember instructions.
This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Multicultural Communication and Healthcare
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Culture and Healthcare
Origin of Multicultural Communication
Multicultural communication is, by definition, the study of communication between people of different cultures. It is the result of the world and nations' history since this has forced people to mix; this implies exchanges on all levels and fundamentally on the communicative level (Li et al., 2017). It is an essential and beneficial concept for all interacting cultures. It has a lot of positive aspects that will go from social to economic. These aspects include that multicultural communication will lead to tolerance between individuals (Li et al., 2017). Additionally, it will lead to economic development, which will result from the positive consequence of the exchange and sharing of goods and services.
Multicultural communication has been made inevitable by history since tribal, national, or global conflicts and other types of migration have caused massive movements. People, therefore, find themselves in environments that are culturally different from their own and in which they are called to adopt (Li et al., 2017). In addition, economic or political migration, industrial, commercial and financial activities, traditional or digital media, tourism, leisure, or the obligation to move for personal reasons have made it inevitable that people from different cultures meet and ipso facto in multicultural communication.
Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation
Culture is a representation of the unique characteristics of a particular society. A person's classification based on their specific cultural, social, race, language, and geographic orientation is referred to as ethnicity (Ahmed & Bates, 2017). Acculturation is the change in the basic models of groups of individuals by the fact that the mixture of their cultures ends up being accommodated (Govindaraju, 2021). It can also be defined as an adaptation of individuals to the cultural practices surrounding them.
Healthcare Profession and Cross-Cultural Communication
Cultural and religious differences affect the health professional since health programs rely on community health, which will strengthen health systems as a whole. Culture and religions mean a set of beliefs and, therefore, perceptions, leading to misunderstanding or misinterpretation of received health messages or programs and possibly weak or reluctant adherence to decisions (Govindaraju, 2021). This will undoubtedly have a negative impact on public health since non-compliance with established programs can constitute a danger to others.
Family Culture and Patient Education
Family involvement in patient care is essential in the context of customer-centered services. It allows immediate patient support to understand and implement the information received from healthcare providers (Govindaraju, 2021). The family environment in which the patient is will obviously have direct repercussions on the health education received. The attitudes, practices, and beliefs, and globally, the family culture surrounding them will positively or negatively impact its implementation.
Approaches to Address Religious and Cultural Diver...
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