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Essay Instructions:
Module 1 - SLP OVERVIEW OF BIOSTATISTICS AND DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Open the dataset that will be used for the Session Long Project for this course. The variables are labeled across the top, one per column. There are 300 people in this dataset, with each row representing an individual's data. Label the types of variables in the project study and describe, in words, the possible values of each category. List and describe the types of data that may be collected in a study, including binary, categorical, nominal, ordinal, and continuous variables. For instance, "gender" is binary and possible values include "male" versus "female." Do this for all of the variables in the study. Using the provided dataset, calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics for each of the variables in the dataset. Include a 2- to 3-page explanation of the descriptive statistics, including tables of the summarized data, similar to a "Results" section in a published manuscript or journal article. SLP Assignment Expectations Length: SLP Assignment should be at least 4 pages (1000 words) in length. References: At least four references from academic sources must be included (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). You may use any required readings from this module for your four references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (APA formatting recommended). Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to each question. Format: APA formatting is recommended for this assignment. See Syllabus page for more information on APA formatting. Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity. Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score <20% (excluding direct quotes, quoted assignment instructions, and references). Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F). Do keep in mind that papers with a lower SI score may be returned for revisions. For example, if one paragraph accounting for only 10% of a paper is cut and pasted, the paper could be returned for revision, despite the low SI score. Please use the report and your SI score as a guide to improve the originality of your work. The following items will be assessed in particular: Achievement of learning outcomes for SLP Assignment. Relevance: all content is connected to the question. Precision: specific question is addressed; statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate. Depth of discussion: points that lead to deeper issues are presented and integrated. Breadth: multiple perspectives, references, and issues/factors are considered. Evidence: points are well supported with facts, statistics, and references. Logic: presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information. Clarity: writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples. Objectivity: use of first person and subjective bias are avoided.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Overview of Biostatistics and Descriptive Statistics Name MHS506 Biostatistics SLP 1 Institution Allergy and diabetes are health problems that increasingly affect people in the U.S. Analysis on the causal factors increasing the risk of allergy are necessary to determine the extent to which allergic reactions are preventable, where a relative reduction in preventable causes focuses on avoiding the risk factors. The environmental factors are equally relevant to determining the risk of allergies and diabetes, since those living in near industrial sites and areas with high pollution are at higher risk of allergy (Silver et al., 2011). Additionally, people consuming fatty and processed foods while being physically inactive are likely to be obese and diabetic. The gender variable divides the study participants as either male or female in a binary fashion as a person cannot be in the two categories simultaneously. There were 159 female participants in the study representing 53% compared to 141 male respondents accounting for 47% of the subjects. The case for considering gender as a risk factor is that there are gender differences highlighting that females may be at higher risk of certain allergies The race factor in the study categories people based on their racial make-up including, white, Hispanic, African American, Asian American and Other. The racial breakdown of the study was African Americans 35 (11.67%), Asian Americans 21 (7%), Hispanics 55(18.33%), Native Americans 9 (3%), Others 16 (5.33%) and Whites 164 (54.67%). Age is another variable in the study, and the study participants were all above 18 years of age, and included respondents who were in their 80’s, with the average age being 50 years. This is necessary to identify the risk of allergies and diabetes as people get older. As people age they are less active and their bodies cannot control the ability to control blood sugar level is impaired. Education status can help separate people and their income levels when used together with the salary range, but also access to information. The lowest education attainment is high school level, there are also college, professional and masters level. In categorizing people based on their education attainment there were 46 (15.33%) subjects with high school attainment, College 101 (33.67%), professionals 63 (21%) and those with Masters Degree were 90 (30%) The height and weight are considered in calculating the BMI, and this is necessary to determine where the participants were underweight, normal weight overweight or obese. Individuals with a BMI of 25-29.9 are overweight, while those with a BMI of 30 and above are obese and at high risk of diabetes. The mean BMI was 24.6 and the median 25 indicating the risk of being overweight, when considering the height and weight of the men and the women. It is necessary to calculate the BMI since being overweight and obese impact’s the body’s ability to control the blood sugar levels. The risk is even higher for people who have family history with diabetes, but since better dieting and physical activities reduce weight levels, modifying lifestyles has a positive impact on reducing the risk of diabetes (Hermans, Ahn, & Rousseau, 2012). The presence and absence of diabetes in the study is necessary to determine how the family history influences the risk of the disease (Fukuoka, Choi, Bender, Gonzalez, & Arai, 2015). Hence, no indicates the absence of diabetes, while yes indicates the presence of diabetes. Talking into account the family hx diabetes helps to determine the correlation between family history with diabetes and risk of the disease. Similar to diabetes, the data on allergies is considered together with family hx allergies, indicated by the yes/no responses. The pe...
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