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Medicare and Medicaid: Eligibility Criteria for Medicaid

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Please see attachment for assignment details. Please use the state of Delaware for eligibility criteria for Medicaid and the children's health programs.

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Medicare and Medicaid
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Medicare and Medicaid
Eligibility Criteria for Medicaid
According to the eligibility criteria of Delaware State, the individual should be a US citizen or a legally living noncitizen (Decarolis, 2017). If there are enough funds by the state, Medicaid also covers the medical bills of noncitizens. The program provides free services if the person's salary falls under a specific limit, and the individual wants to attain long-term healthcare benefits (Courtemanche et al., 2016). A citizen with a job or a person owning property, including a house and a car or a bank account, can receive Medicaid. A person can receive Medicaid, along with other health insurance. Adults with low income between 19-65 and pregnant females also qualify for Medicaid (Benefits.Gov, 2020). Deprived families that are a part of Temporary Assistance for Needy or children up to 19 years can also receive the facility. Children who are living in foster homes with grandparents or siblings also qualify for Medicaid. Separate programs are allocated for the geriatric population, pregnant females or women of childbearing age, and people with disabilities. Such people undergo special disability tests, which they have to clear if they are to receive Medicaid (Wang & Trivedi, 2017; Benefits.Gov, 2020). The patients can get more information about Medicaid and see if they can avail of their services by talking to their representatives.
A variety of Medicaid programs are available, depending on the person’s income. The amount of money received after doing a job is called income. The cheques patient gets as part of state policies like child support, unemployment benefits, sick pay, retirement benefits, and social security check (Benefits.Gov, 2020). Medicaid is designed while keeping the target audience’s income into consideration.
The federal-state sets income limits annually. They redefine the level of poverty for various family sizes. The patients’ household income should be at or lesser than 100% of the level of poverty stated by the federal government for their family size. Only then will a patient be able to avail of Medicaid. However, children between the ages of 1-6 years can avail of Medicaid with their family income equivalent or lower than 133% level of Federal Poverty compared to the family size. Pregnant women and infants below one year are eligible with a household income lower than 200% federal poverty level. According to the federal government, a pregnant woman is counted as two or more family members depending on the number of unborn babies she is carrying. According to the set standard, the patients can always check their income state by reading the latest table for income limits for applying for the DDMA (Division of Medicaid and medical assistance) program.
If patients’ family earns less according to the federal policy table, they may or may not be eligible for Medicaid and insurance simultaneously. If a patient does have bot...
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