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Medicare and Medicaid

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Medicare and Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid
1. The primary difference between Medicare and Medicaid depends on the eligibility of the people. The variation depends on who qualifies for Medicare and Medicaid and who does not. There are specific requirements that cannot be compromised for people to acquire medication under the covers. While Medicare is based on age and disability, Medicaid is based on income. According to Masterson (2020), Medicare caters to populations above 65years old and people living with specific disabilities, whereas Medicaid covers people with income earnings below certain levels based on their states. The eligibility clearly shows that people cannot choose between them, and it is not a matter of what a person would like to work with but where they fit (Masterson, 2020). However, there instances people may be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. For example, an older person receiving care in a nursing home (Masterson, 2020). The bottom line is that the difference between Medicare and Medicaid is that the coverages depend on age or disability and income, respectively.
2. Medicare has significantly evolved to accommodate the changing needs in society. Burton, Berenson & Zuckerman (2017) claim that the people living in the current community are impacted by many changes, including and not limited to the prevalence of chronic diseases like cancer even at tender ages, yielding the requirement for reforms in Medicare to accommodate their needs. The medical insurer may require overlooking the eligibility requirements to ensure the attainment of a healthy community. According to Burton, Berenson & Zuckerman (2017), the oriented health care systems have better health outcomes, are less expensive, and with high patient satisfaction. However, their adoptions have not helped the entire population in the United States. Research by Burton, Berenson & Zuckerman (2017) reveals that significant people of Americans live in areas with an inadequate supply of practitioners, meaning that their needs cannot be fully satisfied with the prevailing shortage. The country requires additional 7000-16400 practitioners to intervene in the situation (Burton, Berenson & Zuckerman, 2017). This step does not necessarily require consideration of the eligibility of the people lacking primary care considering Medicare eligibility requirements as the process could deter achievement, putting the lives of millions of Americans at stake.
The fundamental reason for disparities in healthcare is an income disparity between specialists and primary care physicians. Therefore, knowing that Medicare is the largest and most influential insurer in America raises the need for reforms in its coverage as a step towards reducing the disparity (Burton, Berenson & Zuckerman, 2017). Consequently, Medicare recognized its role in reducing the payment disparity among the workers to attract more physi...
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