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Medical Malpractice Case Analysis

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Please study the following case:

Medical malpractice lawsuits are all too familiar to physicians. Nearly half of family physicians (49%) say they’ve been named in a malpractice suit, according to Medscape’s latest Family Physician Malpractice Report. But fortunately, many cases never go to trial, and only a fraction of those end up with a win for the plaintiff.

But then again, some malpractice cases make headlines because of the hefty amount of the award or the stunning facts of the case (or both). Here are a few of those astonishing cases that have occurred in the past year.

Deadly infection in the NICU

Between July and September 2019, three premature infants died after an outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. Five more infants were also infected but survived, although one sustained a permanent brain injury.

“That type of injury will require intensive medical care for the rest of that child’s life,” said attorney Matt Casey, who represented the family of the infant with the brain injury. The family had twins in the NICU—one with the brain injury and another who died. “While they are certainly heartbroken over the death of one of their children, they have a really long road ahead of them for the care of their child who survived,” Casey said.

The infection was traced to inadequately sanitized equipment used to prepare breast milk, which led to the contamination.

Geisinger recently reached a settlement with the families, the terms of which were not disclosed. As a condition of the settlement, Geisinger admitted fault—an action The New York Times characterized as “extraordinary.”

“Geisinger has taken this extremely seriously in their dealings with me on behalf of my clients,” Casey said. “They’ve taken unprecedented steps as a consequence of litigation to accept responsibility, not for simply the infections occurring, but for them being the legal cause of these [deaths and injuries].”

Geisinger president and CEO Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD, said in a statement: “The loss of a child is tragic, and this settlement can never replace these young children, however we believe we have taken the steps necessary to prevent future infections and spare other families from this loss.”

I have uploaded the rubric you will need. You can use everything you may have so far because I have 2 more assignments that I will need to have done. I had 2 recent deaths in my family that is preventing me from writing it myself.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Medical Malpractice Case Analysis
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Medical Malpractice Case Analysis
One of the most significant challenges for an institution is navigating ethical issues. Most of the ethical criteria are covered by the law; however, others fall under grey areas. This essay analyzes a malpractice case involving Geisinger Medical Center in Danville and the family of twins. Between July and September 2019, three premature infants died after an outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). One of the twins died, while the surviving one was left with a permanent brain injury. The analysis will focus on the ethical perspective of this lawsuit and the court proceedings.
Patient safety is the ethical issue that was violated, leading to the malpractice case. The discipline attempts to reduce and prevent errors and harm from occurring to patients in medical facilities CITATION WHO19 \l 1033 (WHO, 2019). However, health and medicine are an evolving discipline; thus, emerging complexities can pose risks resulting in patient harm. In this case, the malpractice can be traced to negligence by using inadequately sanitized equipment to prepare breast milk.
A hospital facility deals with many patients daily, and unexpected errors can occur at any time. Therefore, Utilitarianism theory is the best approach to use to combat various malpractices. The theory holds that the outcome can determine right or wrong. As a form of consequentialism, it argues that the most ethical choice offers the best outcome for the largest number. Through its president and CEO Jaewon Ryu, MD, Geisinger hospital, JD accepted the responsibility for the malpractice and offered a settlement. They also assured the court that they had taken necessary measures to prevent such cas...
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