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Analysis of Bioethical Issues of Terry Schiavo Case

Essay Instructions:

This is the text we use for the class. If you need a copy of those pages, I can take a picture, Just let me know.

Textbook: Medical Law and Ethics, Chapter 11, Chapter 13: “Terri Schiavo, The Face That Moved a Nation” case on page 314, and Appendix A

Chapter 11 guiding questions:

What are the main bioethical issues that modern physicians and healthcare professionals face today?

What are some ethical decision-making models that can be used to support ethical dilemmas?

Chapter 13 Terri Schiavo case:

The Terri Schiavo case is referenced in your 6-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Draft of Final Project II: Bioethics project.

Appendix A guiding questions:

What is the Hippocratic Oath?

What is the Code of Ethics for Nurses?

What is the code of ethics for medical assistants (from the AAMA)?

Video: Terri Schiavo Documentary: The Case's Enduring Legacy (13:06)

A transcript of this video is available: Terri Schiavo Documentary Transcript

Terri Schiavo Documentary: The Case's Enduring Legacy (13:06)

This video provides insight into how the Terri Schiavo case became a political battle over end-of-life issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bioethical Issues - Terry Schiavo Case
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Bioethical Issues - Terry Schiavo Case
Terry Schiavo Case was a right-to-die legal case that occurred between 1990 and 2005 in the United States. The case involved Theresa Marie Schiavo, who, at the age of 26, collapsed suddenly due to cardiac arrest, putting her in a vegetative state until she died in 2005 (Terri Schiavo Documentary, 2014). Physicians concluded that this sudden event was caused by a potassium imbalance that prevented oxygen flow to the brain for several minutes, leaving Schiavo in a permanent vegetative state (PVS) (Terri Schiavo Documentary, 2014). Regardless of this situation, Terry’s family:- her husband Michael Schiavo and her parents Robert and Mary Schindler came together to support her and take care of her.
Years later, Terry’s husband proposed removing her feeding tube to end her life, arguing that Terry would not have wanted prolonged artificial life support without the possibility of recovery (Terri Schiavo Documentary, 2014). She also believed that Terry was already gone. However, Terry’s parents disagreed with her husband’s claim. The publicized, lengthened series of legal issues presented by Terry’s parents attracted state and federal politicians, including President George Bush (Terri Schiavo Documentary, 2014). This caused a seven-year delay before the woman's feeding tube was finally removed. The bioethical issue, in this case, is whether it was ethical to remove Terry’s feeding tube to end her life.
Bioethical Analysis
Terry Schiavo’s case is one of the examples of bioethical issues that have raised controversy regarding physician-assisted suicide. This case can be viewed from different angles of ethical principles in nursing. These principals guide physicians to make ethical decisions when ethical dilemmas such as Schiavo’s case arise. They include autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Analyzing these principles based on Schiavo's case helps determine whether it was ethical to remove her feeding tube. The principle of autonomy gives patients the right to make their...
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