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An Analysis of Behavior Changes

Essay Instructions:

Behavior Change Project and Presentation


The behavior change project is an extension of the literature review. Using the same positive life style change topic and what you learned through your literature review and the course readings, you will create a behavior change plan.


Step 1: Complete a “positive life style change plan”

1.1 Identify a problem/condition affecting your quality of life

1.2 Identify the negative health-related behavior

1.3 Identify your behavior change goal for the project

1.4 Establish your 7- week action plan

1.5 Identify potential negative influences and possible solutions

1.6 Identify appropriate resources

1.7 Identify a reward for accomplishing your goal


Step 2: Establish a behavior-tracking system

Step 3: Record a 1-week record of your pre-change status (baseline)

Step 4: Make a 1-week chart of your pre-change status

Step 5: Record a 1-week record of intervention status

Step 6: Make a 1-week chart of your intervention status

Step 7: Record your one-week post change status activity

Step 8: Make a 1-week chart of your post-change status


The change project is worth 10% of your final grade, and the in-class oral presentation is worth 10% of your final grade. Specific instructions and a grading rubric will be distributed in class and posted to Blackboard.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Behavior change refers to deliberate attempts by an individual to alter or adjust their traits. In most cases, individuals tend to adjust the undesirable qualities to acquire desirable traits (Rollnick et al., 1993). This paper will focus on completing a positive lifestyle change plan. The identified problem to change that affects the quality of life of an individual is anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorder is a psychological illness that leads an individual to worry excessively. As a result, the individual suffers from frequent panic attacks, and their quality of life is greatly affected due to interference in one's daily activities. Tyrer et al. (2011) note that anxiety disorders are sometimes responsible for heart illnesses and raise coronary events' dangers. All this is because anxiety leads to expeditious heart rate and palpitations.
The objective of this behavioral change project is to eradicate the undesirable quality that leads to anxiety. The project is meant to help the individual understand the feelings associated with anxiety. To achieve this goal, the individual needs to acquire positive attitudes. Positive traits go handy in ensuring patients suffering from anxiety disorders get help to curb the disorder. Once the positive traits are acquired, an individual can cope with the anxiety attacks and usually live.
The action plan to undertake will include a seven-week action plan of three sessions per week.
During the first two weeks, the individual is guided to understand the feelings that elicit anxiety. It is therefore vital in ensuring one can identify what causes them to experience the distress. In addition, understanding the cause of anxiety helps one know how to manage and cope well despite the situation.
The next three weeks will be essential in correcting the behavior. The individual is directed to think positively. Irrational thinking lowers the esteem of an individual. Low esteem contributes significantly to anxiety disorders since the individual is always insecure. The individual is guided slowly and patiently to reason.
The last two weeks are meant to assist the individual in reinforcing and practice what they have learned. These last two weeks are therefore vital. This is because they help the individual cope with anxiety as well as boosting their self-esteem.
Potential negative influences to behavior change include lack of feedback. It is therefore essential to give positive feedback to the individual to avoid relapse. The other barrier to behavior change is being misunderstood. Family members and friends may observe the change of behavior and misunderstand the reason behind the change. Therefore, it could result in relapse since the individual lacks the necessary support. We are therefore supposed to support individuals trying to change their behavior.
The necessary resource to help in behavior change includes a psychiatrist. Additionally, support is instrumental since it gives soldiers courage and confidence despite the difficulty experienced during the process. Family members and friends are also essential since they will provide the necessary feedback needed by the individual.
The reward for accomplishing the behavior change could include a road trip with some friends to enj...
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