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Manager’s Role in Telehealth

Essay Instructions:

Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Manager’s Role in Technology [due Mon]

Assignment Content

Imagine the CIO has asked you to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members. This process allows you to take on the perspective of a manager to analyze management’s role in information technology initiatives and accomplish information system management.

Getting ready for the assignment:

Select 1 technology trend for this assignment. Examples of technology trends could include:


Optical imagery for diagnosing disease



Video translation services

Dictation software

Medical equipment

Health care robots

Neural engineering

Intelligent mobile devices

National health care information network

A technology trend approved by your faculty

Research management's role in the technology you selected and the benefits of it that support the quality outcomes

Assignment Directions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you:

Identify your chosen technology trend.

Explain how this technology will integrate into a specific type of organization.

Explain the manager's role in the entire process of selection, implementation, integration, and evaluation of the new technology.

Explain what impact the technology trend has on users within the organization.

Explain the benefits of the selected technology that support quality outcomes.

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Required - Re-name document/file prior to uploading and submitting

First Name/Last Name/Week # (Example: Joe Smith Week 5)

Submit your assignment.


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Essay Sample Content Preview:

[Student Name]
Professor Name
The overall observation in the organization shows that all the members own mobile phones. Moreover, it has been noted that some employees communicate job assignments through their mobile phones. After the emergence of Covid19, the organization took a mandate to ensure that normal business activities were not closed and this included setting up meetings online through platforms such as zoom and Microsoft. As a result, it will be effective to integrate a technological trend that would easily be used by everyone in the organization especially with everyone owning a mobile phone. The chosen technological trend is telehealth. The use of telehealth in the organization means that members would be using their smartphones to access medical care rather than going physically to hospitals (Catalyst, 2018). Medical practitioners have used telehealth to reach out to many patients and this trend has been rising since the emergence of Covid19.
Telehealth will be integrated into the organization by conducting training on how members can use their mobile phones to access medical services. Members of the organization would get to know the different methods of using their mobile phones such as texting, calling, or video calling (Tuckson et al., 2017). For telehealth as a technological trend to be integrated into the organization, the organization must coordinate with the healthcare providers to ensure the traditional view of healthcare has been considered. This includes ensuring the safety of the patient regardless of the distance between the practitioner and the patient. Medical services should be effective to develop trust among their users. The services should also be fast and efficient. Since the patient is not visiting the hospital, the time taken to reach the doctor should be less but still, the services should be according to the needs of the patients. The trend would be integrated by reducing the cost of accessing healthcare and the cost of receiving treatment.
Manager's role
The manager plays a crucial role in the organization from the planning stage until it is implemented and integrated into the company. Considering that the Chief Information Officer(CIO) has provided a list of technological trends that the manager ought to choose from, the manager has the mandate to carry out background research on all the trends and select the best trend to fit both the employees’ needs and the owner’s needs...
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