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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Journal Entries: Majorly Honesty, Commitment, Respect

Essay Instructions:

each week journal entries -one paragraph of conclusion , no introductions
My eight week goal is to concentrate on guidelines for prescribing legally, and how to make pain and other symptom assessment a routine part of patient care, as well as how corresponds with insurers , employers, government agencies , and other health care providers about established clients as necessary .
Week 9: This week I will concentrate on appropriate professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect and altruism.
During week 10 and 11, I am planning to expand my administrative and clinical skills, and leader ship qualities to work effectively with multidisciplinary team members in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and long term care facilities (Buppert, 2015).

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Journal Entries
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Journal Entries
Week 8
My week eight objective will be to focus on guidelines for providing legal prescriptions, and means through which pain and other symptoms exhibited by the patients are assessed. Hence, forming routine functions of patient care that includes insurers, government agencies, employers, and other health care institutions on long-term clients.
My objective for the week will be to have a better understanding of the guidelines and legal procedures that determine the role or a nursing practitioner in administering drugs and prescriptions. I will strive to demonstrate the knowledge of the law components and state requirements for an order request. A Proper understanding of the legal implications will ensure that I deliver my duties without contravening the legitimate expectations and hence, maintaining personal and professional integrity. My preceptor in most cases reminded me to always work with the laws of the state so as to avoid getting into the wrong side of the law. The success of a patient care program is dependent on practical patient examination (Hanson, Stephens, Pangaro, & Gimbel, 2012). Routine tests based on a conventional assessment approach form an essential aspect of the health care system. I will need to understand the expectations of government agencies and other stakeholders in the health sector as far as the routine patient examination is concerned. Some stakeholders have a predefined perspective of what quality health care is, hence defining their expectations (Hanson, Stephens, Pangaro, & Gimbel, 2012). Drugs are the core means of treatment and prescribing them in the right manner helps in preventing the rise of risks on the patients. If examination and patient assessment results are adhered to in prescribing drugs, there is a minor likelihood of contravening with the legal expectations, and hence the treatment process is considered safe.
Having worked closely with my preceptor, I have understood that correct drug prescriptions determine the safety of the treatment process, a key contributor to patient satisfaction and provider development. It will also be important that I get to understand the situations under which the law permits nurses and other practitioners to dispense drugs. The law allows nurses and clinical professionals to administer drugs only in cases where separate pharmaceutical providers are not available (Hanson, Stephens, Pangaro, & Gimbel, 2012). Frequent conformation with legal requirements is a recipe for career growth and development, a course that I would be determined to guard.
Week 9
Week nine’s goal will be to concentrate on the proper professional character in practice, majorly honesty, commitment, respect, integrity, compassion, and altruism.
My goal for week nine will be to focus on understanding professional ethical behaviors that are key towards successful career development. The nurse’s job involves frequent interactions with people who are either patients or not, an implication that how someone presents him/herself determines the strength of relations with the other party. My preceptor taught me the importance of being trusted by a patient or a family member, and how professional behavior helps in building the needed trust. While treating patients, I will ensure that I consider the case of the patients my priority and treat all people individually with respect and dignity. To earn respect from my supervisors and colleagues, it is important that I present original records of assessments and truthful resume. According to my preceptor, it is necessary that I report any cases of caution or offenses that I have been found liable to my university so as to uphold my integrity.
My preceptor always emphasized the importance of showing compassion to the sick patients, more so the older group, who in most cases feel lonely or dejected. When t...
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