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A Longitudinal Study on Trend and Seasonality

Essay Instructions:

Please see the Attached document file for instructions
Write an analysis of a peer-reviewed article published within the last three years that is related in some way to the health professional programs at SNHU. You
will select this article from a list provided by your instructor. These articles have been vetted to ensure that they contain the information necessary to complete
the critical elements below. Remember to read the article carefully as you will not only be analyzing the use of statistics in the research, but discussing possible
further research as well.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Purpose: In this section of your analysis, you need to introduce the study you analyzed, describing its purpose, research question, and hypothesis.
A. Describe the purpose of the study, including the research question and hypothesis.
II. Research Methods: In this section of your analysis you will take a deep dive into the research methods used by the authors of the study you analyzed. It
is important that you are able to identify, describe, and discuss the data collection and data analysis methodology used by the researchers.
A. Identify whether the study design is experimental or observational. Support your identification with examples from the study.
B. Identify the methods used to collect the data and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.
C. Identify the data collected as quantitative or categorical. Support your identification with examples from the study.
D. Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data collection methods used. Support your discussion with examples from the study.
E. Identify the data analysis methods used and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.
F. Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data analysis methods used. Support your discussion with examples from the study.
G. Describe the key demographics of the population sampled and identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants.
III. Key Findings: Now that you have discussed the research methods used by the researchers, you will need to state and discuss their findings,
differentiating between the results of the experimental and control groups.
A. State the results of the research, describing how the researchers determined whether or not the results are statistically significant.
B. Describe the differences in the results between the groups in the study and support your description with examples from the study.
IV. Limitations of the study: Unfortunately, every data collection method and data analysis method has limitations. In this section, you need to explain the
limitations presented by the study population and the advantages and disadvantages of the statistical analysis used.
A. Explain the limitations presented by the study population and sample size used. Support your explanation with examples from the study.
B. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the type of statistical analysis used. Support your discussion with examples from the study.
C. Identify the limitations of the study design used and explain why those limitations exist.
V. Major conclusions from the study: In this section, you will need to analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers and compare them to the
conclusions of another study from the reference section of your selected study. You will also need explain how the study you have analyzed contributes
to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.
A. Discuss how the results from this study compare with those of a study listed in the references or your main article. Support your discussion with
examples from both studies.
B. Explain how this study contributes to scientific literature. Support your explanation with specific examples.
C. Describe further investigations that could take place because of this study.
Milestone One: Research Methods
In Module Three, you will complete a table of the Research Methods section of your final project. In the Milestone One worksheet, you will analyze and discuss
the research methods used in the study described in the article you selected for your final project. You will need to include a revised version of this table in your
final project submission in Module Seven. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Key Findings and Limitations
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of the Key Findings and Limitations sections of your final project. In this draft, you will analyze and discuss the key
findings and limitations of the study described in the article you selected for your final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Final Submission: Article Analysis
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Copy the table from the Milestone One Worksheet document into your final project paper.
You will need to include sections of the final project that have not been included in any milestone assignments. This submission will be graded with the Final
Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your article analysis must be 3 to 4 pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Follow the most recent (sixth edition) APA formatting and citation style guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Longitudinal Study on Trend and Seasonality
Date of submission
A Longitudinal Study on Trend and Seasonality
He, Staggs, Bergquist-Beringer and Dunton (2016) noted that time trends and seasonal patterns in rampant in nurse staffing and the nurse-sensitive patient outcomes. Therefore, they conducted a study to determine the longitudinal associated between nurse staffing and patient outcomes. Thus, to achieve the above purpose, the researchers posed a below relevant research question; do nursing levels and changes in nurse mix affect patient outcome? In addition, they hypothesized that increased staffing level was associated with reducing fall and pressure ulcers (He, et al, 2016).
In elaboration of both purpose of the study using research question and hypothesis, He, et al, (2016) in their article reveals a directional hypothesis which indicates that in order to reduce fall and pressure ulcers, the staffing of nurses has to be increased. Therefore, it specifies more than one variable in combination with a research question. On the same note, the purpose indicates that the research follows a qualitative design which interprets a situation as well as a set of behavior whose analysis is within the context whereby different findings may be accumulated in different situations. Thus, an assumption of neither right nor wrong answer may be done. Besides, the research question posited focused on one concept and does not make comparisons within groups. Furthermore, the question is based on personal experience and the perceptions of the subjects. Lastly, the research question posted strive to answer the reason or "why" question such as the reason why there is reduced patient fall and low level of pressure ulcers (He, et al, 2016).
Research Methods
He, et al, (2016) in their article used an observational research design focusing on the patients’ outcome trends. For example, it is noted that there were 36 quarterly observations that were used to determine the relationship between nurse staffing and the patient outcome. In addition, the longitudinal study revealed the true result since the subjects or the staff mixes were included in different periods. Thu, the researchers collected data from 2004 to 2012 whereby presentations of the patients’ outcome were done quarterly. In addition, some of the data collected were quantitative since they were collected in hospital units though the types of care in these units were categorical. For example, the critical care revealed a 21.3% for all the units covered during the study as categorical variables with the number of hospitals were quantitative (He, et al, 2016).
Conversely, though the research was successful, some of the challenges were exhibited during the study. For example, during the data collection, some study participants withdrew from the research couple with numerous data that was collected at multipoint hence some respondents changed their perceptions during the long period of the research. Thus, the researchers were able to identify such hitches through trend analysis that evaluated the links between nurse staffing and the patient outcomes and the results obtained entirely depended on the subjects that responded during the time (He, et al, 2016).
On a separate note, data analysis was conducted using a qualitative data analysis method which was appropriate for the study. The data analysis method chosen was appropriate for the study since it opted to observe the different aspects of staffing levels that influence the quality of care. Furthermore, the changes in nurse staffing were found to have impacts on the rates of pressure ulcers and risks of falls (He, et al, 2016). However, some weaknesses were noted during the data analyse...
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