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LIRN Library Research: Analysis of Healthcare Spending, Quality, and Arrangements in the USA

Essay Instructions:


Following completion of this assignment, the student will:

1. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

2. Compare and contrast academic databases within the LIRN library.

3. Recognize the characteristics of an electronic search of the literature (advanced search features, limiting terms to fields like the title/subject, limiting to document types, and limiting to articles within the last five years).

Use the following LIRN library database recommendations:

* Nursing & Allied Health Database

* Health & Medical Collection

* Healthcare Administration Database

* Consumer Health Database 

* Public Health Database

Other useful databases:

* ProQuest

* Gale Virtual 

You can use other databases, but first, experiment with the databases listed above.

Assignment Instructions


* After entering the above-recommended databases, find at least three recent articles (within the past five years preferably).


* As you search the recommended database, take notes on what keywords you use, the search limiters you try, average number of results – each time you change your search options, note what happens. You will need these notes when you write the assignment 

Plan the assignment:

* Create a list of the sections you need, the order they go in, and note what information you will put in each section 


* Begin your essay with an introductory paragraph identifying your topic, why you chose your topic, and what direction you would like to go with your topic.

* Next, discuss search strategy methodologies, including keyword searches, the number of articles retrieved, refining search parameters and with which database the articles were found.

* Discuss how this research has provided support for your upcoming research paper.

* Create an annotated bibliography for your three articles. Summarize each of the key articles and then assess and reflect on how the article relates to your research paper that will be developed in this course.

Citations and Edit

* Citation: Give an APA formatted citation for each source.

* Review your work and edit for clarity.

Here is a basic outline of your assignment:

1. Introduction

2. Research methods

3. Annotated bibliography-3 references

1. Citation

2. Summary of reference

3. Assess/reflect on how the reference applies to your research

4. Conclusion

5. Reference page

You can communicate electronically with the LIRN librarian by using the link to the LIRN librarian (online Library) with additional questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Healthcare Spending, Quality, and Arrangements in the USA
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Analysis of Healthcare Spending, Quality, and Arrangements in the USA
This study will investigate the amount of money spent on healthcare in the United States and its quality and organizational structure. This topic was selected because of the growing significance of healthcare in today's modern society and the intricacy of the interactions between healthcare prices, quality of care, and the organizational structure of healthcare (Cook et al., 2021). My area of interest is how issues with the healthcare system in the United States interact and are eventually handled. This study will shed light on the intricate nature of the healthcare system and help promote talks about how things may be improved. The study of healthcare expenditures, quality, and arrangements in the United States reveals that these variables interact complexly (Shi & Singh, 2023). Even though the United States is a leader in medical innovations and advancements, systemic issues with spending, quality, and arrangements demonstrate the need for comprehensive reforms prioritizing equal access, care coordination, and value-based outcomes.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Healthcare Quality Check Indicators in the USA
(Anonymous, 2023)
Research Methods/Search Strategy Methodologies
Researchers in both the classroom and the academy utilize research methodologies to gather data and draw conclusions. As a student, I have found that the quality and breadth of my research findings are significantly affected by the efficiency of my research methodology. The most productive way for me to conduct research and study has been to combine qualitative and quantitative approaches(Chowdhury et al., 2022). They create a more comprehensive understanding of a study problem by combining the most beneficial elements from both methodologies. Using this strategy, I can compare the findings of one method with the findings of another, which lends more credibility to my investigation.
I performed a search for information that was pertinent to my requirements by using the search keywords "healthcare spending," "healthcare quality," and "healthcare arrangements" on a wide variety of academic websites to locate the information I needed. Google Scholar, PubMed, and Proquest were the primary resources I used for the majority of my investigation. After the initial search yielded many results, I applied date filters to focus on news stories during the most recent five years. I was, therefore, able to ensure that I would always have access to the most recent information by conducting my research in this manner.
The United States consistently spends the most on health care, but the outcomes and access to care do not always justify the high costs. Administrative costs, drug prices, and fee-for-service payments contribute to unnecessary expenditures(Chowdhury et al., 2022). Even though technological and medical advancements increase costs, they frequently result in improved patient care. Even though the United States spends much on healthcare, the quality of care is often inconsistent and variable. Even though the country has some of the finest medical facilities and technological advancements in the world, there are still differences in quality between different locations and populations (Statista, 2022). People do not have equal access to health care services due to a lack of uniform care standards and ineffective care coordination. In addition, healthcare methods that prioritize earning money over providing quality care can negatively impact patient outcomes.
Annotated Bibliography
1 Cook, K., Foster, B., Perry, I., Hoke, C., Smith, D., Peterson, L., Martin, J., Korvink, M., & Gunn, L. H. (2021). Associations between hospital quality outcomes and Medicare spending per beneficiary in the USA. Healthcare, 9(7), 831.
The research carried out by Cook et al. (2021) looks into the connection between the quality of care provided by hospitals and the amount of money spent on Medicare by each beneficiary in the United States (Cook et al., 2021). This study aims to evaluate whether there is a correlation between the quality of medical treatment provided by various hospitals, as measured by several different outcome indicators, and the amount of money Medicare spends on each beneficiary.
The findings highlight the potential association between more significant levels of expenditure and improved quality outcomes. These findings offer essential insights into the efficiency and efficacy of the healthcare system. The investigation of the correlation between hospital quality outcomes and Medicare spending per beneficiary presented in this article is of the utmost significance to medical studies. It can influence policy, healthcare efficiency, quality measurement, patient-centered care, data-driven decision-making, and research tendencies(Statista, 2022). In addition, it is also of the utmost significance. This h...
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