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Level I Fieldwork Assignment on Behavioral Health

Essay Instructions:

1. Identify two (2) or more appropriate group or individual interventions to improve patient engagement in occupations based off of psychosocial, cognitive and emotional assets and deficits.
Fieldwork Assignment
In an essay of at least 4 pages, address the following questions:
Imagine you have been granted a meeting with the organization's leadership team. They would like you to describe the possible benefits of OT services within the organization.
A. Describe how Occupational Therapy Services could be used in this facility. If OT is being used in this facility, answer the questions based off of your observations of and communication with an OT practitioner.
a. Why would OT services be helpful in this setting?
b. What areas of occupation would an OT practitioner address in this setting?
c. Which client factors, performance skills and/or performance factors positively or negatively influence the patient/client/caregiver's ability to engage in this setting?
d. What evidence based interventions would an OT practitioner utilize to address the above occupations? (Must include at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles supporting the use of specific interventions discussed above. NOT JUST LISTED!)
B. Write a job description for an Occupational Therapist that could apply for a job at this facility including a typical day and weekly schedule of what the OT would do. 
Dont forget the 5 peer reviewe journal articles too.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Level I Fieldwork – Behavioral Health
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Level I Fieldwork – Behavioral Health
Occupation therapy (OT) refer to a client oriented health service that focuses on promoting health and wellbeing of a patient or a client through their occupation. The chief objective of OT is to help people to improve their engagement in occupations by modifying and improving both the environment and the occupation to boost patients’ psychosocial, cognitive and emotional assets and deficits.
Question 1 a
In an organizational setting, the application of OT can fit well due its diverse package of services to clients and will be useful in a numbers of ways. First, OT can be useful in delivering transitional return-to-work program that help patients who have suffered from mental illness and injuries to resume work on a gradual basis. The idea is to integrate the working environment with the actual work tasks to create a rehabilitation center for such patients within the workplace. The occupational therapists executes this services by familiarizing with individuals job requirements and assessing their functional abilities to determine activities that an individual can comfortably and safely perform at work while they are recovering. Second, OT also helps to determine the weaknesses and strengths of patients with mental illness, to determine the level of intervention needed for each patient. For example, , the occupational therapist asses an individual’s ,mental conditions and offer a comprehensive recommendations to the treating caregiver who subjects the individual to a designed work program within the conditions that can be either a rehabilitation program or a hospitalization. Lastly, an OT service helps to boost patients morale and improve their condition by helping them earn a piece of mind after conquering everyday life activities. For example, it is normal for patients with mental illness to be triggered by depression and experience of tough days at work and life in general. Therefore, an occupational therapy may come in handy to help individuals on how conduct basic tasks such as dressing, feeding, home and work management as well as socializing and exercise to simplify their hardships.
Question 1 b
An OT Practioner working in an organization setting has a duty to partner with both to a patent care unit, minimize day workers off due to sickness, preventing future injuries, especially on mentally depressed patient to mitigate workers compensation claims. In a connection with mental illness patient. OT will address on matters concerning improvement of patient care, sick days off and treatment plan. All these are achievable through illness analysis, rehabilitation programs and patient care plan to boost the welfare of the victims in an organizations.
Question 1 c
In the execution of an OT service in organizational setting, there are client factors, health conditions that can positively or negatively influence the client/caregiver’s ability to engage in that setting. One of the factor is the availability of resources such as financial capability. If a firm has enough resources, it becomes easier for an OT Practioner to initiate strong and effective programs that can achieve the targeted patient engagement level. On the other hand, little resources will limit the ability to come up with decisive program that are able to bring the expected engagement in the organization. Another factor is client cooperation and attitude towards the program. An OT service will be effective of the clients and other relevant stakeholder provides utmost cooperation and coordination towards the programs. On the contrary, poor cooperation will from an OT Practioner and penitents will hamper the effective implementation of any therapy program. The aspect of attitude and determination is also a major on patients, such that their positive attitude towards a therapy program simplify the process as well as improving the outco...
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