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Research Assignment on Classes of the Antimicrobial Agents

Essay Instructions:

No Plagiarism, do not change dates on references!!!
Consider the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Think about differences between viral and bacterial infections.
Reflect on why proper identification of the infection is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
Write a 3-4 page paper that addresses the following:
Describe the categories of antimicrobial agents.
Describe differences between viral and bacterial infections.
Explain why proper identification of viral and bacterial infections is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
* Must include the mechanism of action, clinical guidelines and side effects for all medications listed*
**All papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references**

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antimicrobial Agents
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Antimicrobial drugs are useful in the treatment and disinfection processes in the hospitals. They eradicate or hinder the advancement of the disease-causing microorganisms, thus preventing health complications. Different drugs have varied modes of action, and kill specific pathogens. Some of these agents are broad spectrum while others have a narrow range of activities. The choice of any chemical therapy depends on the microbe causing the disease.
The Classes of the Antimicrobial Agents
Antibacterial compounds are the first category of antimicrobial chemicals. These agents either destroy or impede bacterial activity in the body of the human beings, or eliminate germs on instruments and surfaces. They interrupt the progress and duplication of bacteria. Various agents such as warmth, manufactured chemicals and medications have antibacterial activities (Gjorgievska, et al, 2013).
Hot gases and steam are mostly used to physically sterilize instruments. Heat alters the protein compounds and the bacterial matrix in the germ, thus rendering them harmless. The clinical recommendation when sterilizing using hot air includes exposing an instrument to 170 degrees Celsius for half an hour. Alternatively, you can use 160 degrees Celsius for an hour or 150 degrees Celsius for two and half hours. These temperatures can kill the spores of most of the germs. Heat is used as an antimicrobial agent in heat-immune items. In addition, steam temperature between 121-132 degrees Celsius is suggested. However, heat can alter the flavor of drinks (Chen, 2015).
Also, antibiotic medications are commonly used in the treatment regimen of patients with bacterial diseases. They have antibacterial features such as destroying the cell wall of the pathogens; and inhibition of genetic replication or a protein combination of the germs. Penicillin is a good example of the drugs which interfere with the cell membrane of the microbes. Besides, tetracycline impedes the formation of proteins in the cells of the germs. Other drugs such as fluoroquinolones interfere with the genetic composition of the bacteria (McCarthy, 2016).
Clinical guidelines require physicians to take a comprehensive patient history, conduct laboratory diagnosis, and rule out any possibilities of adverse drug reaction or resistance before administering these antibacterial drugs. The adverse effects of penicillin include gastrointestinal problems, headache and candidiasis. In addition, tetracycline causes cutaneous sensitivity to ultraviolet light and visual impairment. Fluoroquinolones on the other hand causes the impairment of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract problems (McCarthy, 2016).
Antifungal medication is another category of antimicrobial compounds. They selectively eliminate or inhibit the development of fungi. This is because the cell structure of these pathogens resembles that of man; hence the antifungals are manufactured to ensure they critically destroy fungi elements. Examples of the compounds with antifungal features include polyenes, azole and echinocandins (Lamoth, & Alexander, 2015).
The clinical guideline recommends the use of amphotericin B as a drug of choice in the aggressive fungal elimination unless contraindicated. Otherwise, vericonazole can be used in advance when treating patients with weak body immunity. In addition, never use am...
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