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Levaraging Technology
Essay Instructions:
As a nurse informaticist, a large part of your role is educating and preparing nurses. For any technology to be effective, users must be able to leverage its capabilities. Nurses must be able to harness and leverage technology to benefit patient care and enhance patient safety.
Imagine you are a nurse informaticist at a local healthcare system and review the following brief 9-day synopsis of a local woman’s experience with the system.
9-Day Synopsis
Day 1: Teresa Harper, a 61-year-old biracial woman, is admitted to the hospital for chest pain. The admitting nurse uses a barcode medication administration system to ensure her medications are administered safely and accurately.
Day 2: The nurse uses a clinical decision support system (CDSS) to review Teresa’s medication regimen and identify potential interactions or contraindications. The nurse then recommends to the provider that Teresa's medication regimen be adjusted.
Day 3: The nurse uses a medication reconciliation tool to ensure that Teresa’s medication list is accurate and current. The nurse compares her home medication list with the medication orders in the hospital record.
Day 4: The nurse reviews Teresa’s vital signs, lab results, and other clinical data using the hospital's electronic health records (EHR) system and identifies any abnormalities or trends that require intervention.
Day 5: The nurse uses a mobile device to access the hospital's EHR system and communicate with other care team members. The nurse updates Teresa’s care plan and documents assessments and interventions. The nurse prepares Teresa for discharge and provides educational materials with her discharge instructions.
Day 6: The case manager uses a telehealth system to conduct a remote video visit with Teresa and her family. The case manager explains Teresa's condition and answers her questions.
Day 7: The case manager uses a clinical surveillance system to monitor Teresa for any signs of deterioration or adverse events. The case manager notifies the provider of any concerns and recommends interventions.
Day 8: The case manager uses a patient portal to communicate with Teresa and her family about her care plan and progress. The case manager encourages them to ask questions and provide feedback on their experience.
Day 9: The case manager uses a data analytics system to review and compare Teresa’s outcomes to benchmark data. The case manager identifies areas for improvement and makes recommendations for future interventions.
As the nurse informaticist, reflect on the use of technology to improve patient care and discuss how the nurse informaticist role can continue to lead the integration of technology into practice to improve patient safety and quality of care.
Answer the following questions in Leveraging Technology (Word)Links to an external site.. Keep your answers brief and concise (25 to 50 words each). References and APA format are not required.
Identify and describe at least three different technologies and/or informatic systems used to track and care for Teresa over the nine days.
Consider the challenges of clinical surveillance systems and telehealth. What limitations and weaknesses can affect Teresa’s continuing care and outcomes?
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Leveraging Technology Rubric
Leveraging Technology Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
3 Technologies
7.5 pts
Correctly identifies 3 technologies and/or informatic systems used.
6.8 pts
Correctly identifies 2 technologies and/or informatic systems used.
6.3 pts
Correctly identifies 1 technology and/or informatic system used.
5.9 pts
Identifies technologies and/or informatic systems but they were not used.
0 pts
No answer provided.
/ 7.5 pts
Limitations and Weaknesses
7.5 pts
Correctly identifies at least 3 limitations and/or weaknesses that can affect Teresa’s ongoing care.
6.8 pts
Correctly identifies at least 2 limitations and/or weaknesses that can affect Teresa’s ongoing care.
6.3 pts
Correctly identifies at least 2 limitations and/or weaknesses that can affect Teresa’s ongoing care.
5.9 pts
Identifies limitations and/or weaknesses but they would not affect Teresa’s ongoing care.
0 pts
No answer provided.
/ 7.5 pts
Total Points: 0
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Leveraging Technology
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Leveraging Technology
1. Identify and describe at least three different technologies and/or informatic systems used to track and care for Teresa over the nine days.
During Teresa's care, several significant technological systems were used to provide total and safe healthcare. The barcode medication administration system (BMAS) is a basic safety practice that has cut down medication errors by nearly half through the use of technology to check the “Five Rights” of medication administration. This system is a perfect example of technology that introduces a buffer in core nursing activities.
On Day 2, the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) was used to inform the case management decision on medication interaction and contraindication. This is an analytical technology; it helps to analyze complex medical data to support clinical decision-making. The capacity to mark areas of possible medication problems before they arise also demonstrates the preventive side of healthcare technology.
The use of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is the ideal coordination center for Teresa’s care, as the results of the vitals, laboratory values, and notes could all be accessed in real-time from the EHR. Using the EHR system on mobile allowed for providing constant monitoring of care and the immediate change of care plans according to the changes in Teresa’s status, featuring the problem of system integration and the possibility of its use.
2. Consider the challenges of clinical surveillance systems and telehealth. What limitations and weaknesses can affect Teresa’s continuing care and outcomes?
Technology integration is still a critical issue because the various systems need to integrate to offer total care. Nurse informatics have the responsibility of ensuring compatibility between several systems in a healthcare facility. Training and adoption form yet another challenge. Healthcare professionals must undergo adequate training to effectively use these technologies.
The development and implementation of training programs by the nurse informatics specialists require consideration of training approaches suitable for different learning modes and levels of computer literacy among several staff members. This includes making usable in...
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