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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Legislation: Social Security Act of 1935

Essay Instructions:

To provide the opportunity for students to analyze the political process by tracing a piece of legislation. Please identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice, and answer the following questions:

  • State the legislation.
  • Who introduced/sponsored the bill?
  • Why did the person introduce it?
  • Where was it introduced?
  • Who helped to draft the legislation?
  • Was nursing involved?
  • Which committees were involved?
  • Was it authorized?
  • Was it appropriated?
  • Did it make it out of the committee?
  • Was it enacted?
  • What is the impact on health care and nursing practice?

The paper should be 500 - 750 words and must include a cover and reference page (not included in the word count)

APA style (7th ed.) format is required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be utilized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Security Act of 1935
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Due Date
Social Security Act of 1935
State the legislation: The legislation is called the Social Security Act of 1935. The legislation established a framework for transfer payments, wherein individuals of a younger, employed demographic provide financial support to individuals of an older, retired demographic. The primary objective was to mitigate the risks associated with advancing age, poverty, joblessness, and the hardships widows and children without paternal support faced.
Who introduced/sponsored the bill? The legislation was first introduced and acknowledged by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and received assistance from the Democratic Party.
Why did the person introduce it? Roosevelt enacted Social Security. The above statute-initiated efforts to combat joblessness, poverty, and financial instability during the Great Depression. Social Security was created to support economically and socially weak people. The elderly, jobless, and disadvantaged children were particularly exposed to economic distress. Law altered American social policy. This began federal social welfare responsibility, formerly assigned to state governments and private charities. Providing a consistent income for the elderly and unemployed was the Act's principal purpose. This technique aimed to improve finances and purchasing power. Not only did the Great Depression inspire the Social Security Act. It also envisioned a fairer society that shared economic downturns (Ayado, 2023). This vision ensured that every American could retire comfortably, shield their children from labor market volatility, and create a solid foundation. This Act created a joint responsibility and reciprocal assistance connection between the federal government and US inhabitants. It is a critical New Deal legacy.
Where was it introduced? The legislative proposal was introduced within the United States legislative institution, ...
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