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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Physician- Assisted Suicides and Their Implications

Essay Instructions:


Describe some of the legal and ethical issues surrounding physician-assisted suicides. What implications does it have on health services managers and health economics as a whole?

Assignments are to be a minimum of 2 full pages of text and 3 reputable references in proper APA format.

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Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicides

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Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicides

Over the years, there has been a debate regarding physician-assisted suicides. One of the reasons that have caused this debate is because, even though some people support it with reasons such as a patient has a right to choose what they want, there is another group which is opposing it, highlighting that it is wrong to end someone's life despite the condition which the person could be in. The other reason this debate has continued is various ethics and legal issues regulating the whole issue.

Even though the issue regarding physician-assisted suicide has been discussed over the years, it has only been allowed in ten states. Some of the legal issues that people have been checking are the legal age. Most states highlight that for the person to undergo this process, the individual should be of a legal age that is a minimum of 18 years old (Mroz et al., 2021). The other legal issue has been regarding the mental capacity of the person. Most states highlight that for the patient to undergo this process, the patient should be capable of making and communicating informed healthcare decisions. The other legal issue is regarding the health 

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