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Known Characteristics of Schizophrenia

Essay Instructions:

Scenario 1: Schizophrenia

A 22-year-old female student was brought to her college student health department by her boyfriend. He was concerned about the changes in her behavior. The boyfriend noted that she has been hearing voices, and seeing things that are not there. She also thinks that there are people that want to harm her. She told her family that she cannot finish college as the voices told her to quit because she is “dumb”. The boyfriend relates episodes of unexpected rage and crying.

PMH: noncontributory

FH: positive for a first cousin who “had mental problems”.

SH: Denies current drug abuse but states he smoked marijuana every day during junior and senior years of high school. Admits to drinking heavily on weekends at various fraternity houses.

PE: thin, anxious disheveled female who, during conversations, stops talking, tilts her head and appears to be listening to something. There is poor eye contact and conversation is disjointed.

DIAGOSIS: schizophrenia.


1. What are known characteristics of schizophrenia and relate those to this patient.

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Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder in which the affected person experiences detachment from reality. Evidence has shown that individuals with this condition interpret reality in a somewhat abnormal way (McCance & Huether, 2019). One of the major known signs of this condition is hallucinations. Hallucinations entail perceiving things that are not real. For instance, the affected person may claim to see or hear things that are not in existence. While in reality, the perceived things are non-existent, the person with schizophrenia is affected in such a manner that they firmly believe that those things exist. Extensive evidence has shown that hallucinations may involve all the senses (Kring & Johnson, 2018). However, the most common type of hallucination experienced by people with schizophrenia hears non-existent voices/ sounds. The patient in the case study is experiencing hallucinations. It is indicated that she sees things that are not there and hears non-existent voices.
The second main known characteristic of schizop...
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