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Essay Instructions:
Must be an Australian way of academic writing Hello I want make sure the below OUTLINE can be written by Health writer. And will it be written in Australian way of writing?? thanks Outline Introduction (100 words): Introduce the 3 issues you will be discussing and from what perspective they will be discussed. Show the outcome that you are aiming for in this essay. (3rd person) SUGGESTED ISSUES/AREAS: delegation, advocacy, teamwork, collaboration, workforce diversity, interprofessional and intraprofessional communication, therapeutic relationship, skill mix and workplace violence. I personally prefer delegation for issue 1, teamwork for issue 2. I am not sure about issue 3 ( you decide from the suggested issues). ISSUE 1 Delegation 600words/issue Step 1. (175 -200 words) Identify & describe the issues/areas of professional nursing practice that you think have an influence in the transition to the practice as a graduate registered nurse and to the future nursing practice. (a) Identify: State what is it and how you came to choose this concept. You can write in 1st or 3rd person. Book resources can be use here as references Here are a couple of examples for you. 1st person = “From my critical reflections, I have chosen advocacy as one of the professional practice concepts as influencing my transition to practice because …………”. 3rd person = “ Advocacy in nursing is an important professional practice concept that will be addressed in this essay. It is important in a GRN's transition to practice because …………” (b) Describe from the literature: What is it, where do you see it and how is it important to the GRN. You must incorporate your source of information here with intext referencing. Here is an example. “Delegation in nursing is described as ………………………………………… (……………..). It can be seen in many areas of nursing practice such as ……………………………………. (…………..), and is valuable for the graduate registered nurse as a ……………………………... (…………..).” (c) Justify your selections: by referring an appendix. (Please note if you wish to select communication as your area. You need to address either effective professional communication or inter or intraprofessional communication, not simply communication.) Step 2 (250-300 words) Critically discuss the impact of these issues/areas of nursing practice on the transitioning graduate registered nurse. (3rd person writing here) At least 5-6 journal articles for step2 in every issues. For example: Critically discuss different aspects of teamwork for the graduate registered nurse. Remember the 6 hats of critical thinking. Show you have a wide understanding and that your decisions are based on knowledge not personal opinion. (Use the literature widely here. You need a variety of literary sources for each professional practice aspect to show critical reasoning.) Step 3. (100-150 words) Argue how and why the discussions about these key issues/areas have influenced your transition to practice as a GRN and to your future nursing practice. (3rd and 1st person here) As well as literary support, to give your argument more weight, you may also attach an appendix which contains artefacts eg. personal reflections, readings, aspects of the GRN toolkit, brochures, tutor, peer and self feedback tools etc. to support your argument further. In other words: - Links research on issue/Toolkit strategies to author's experiences - Links to author's future practise - Argues for the importance/relevance/ influence of issues on own transition - Refer to materials in appendix ISSUE 2 (600words) same structure and words count as issue 1 ISSUE 3 (600words) Repeat/ same structure and words count as issue 1 Conclusion: (100 words) The conclusion needs to show your 3 issues, a general comment about what you have learnt about each one of them and their impact on being a GRN and how they will influence your transition to practice and future nursing practice. (1st person) In other words: - Repeats the themes/ issues - Pulls the argument together for the 3 issues for transitioning nurses - Repeats the argument for importance - Repeats the argument for highlighting the importance to author's future practice References: About 30 resources APA style Resources must be current last 5 years. Mostly scholarly Journal article (academic literature journal article) when they ask us to refere to some resources as an apincex, they till us that we can use the toolkit. so the attached toolkit is an indication. Anyway: Step1 and 2 in every issue, should not make any confusing. I am concern with step3 as I am afried that I did not gave enough information. Therefore, I uploaded another file which is an example of one of the students who did the subject last year. just to give you an idea of the expectation such as the structure, the statements. I do not want to work on any of the issues who wrote about. and I believe you can do better than the example.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
INTRODUCTION (102 words)
The transition process of a graduate nurse is one with complexities and transition- based issues, (Casey et al., 2004). The amount and quality of support that the graduate receives determines the successful assimilation of the graduate nurse into the nursing work force (Parker, Plank & Hegney 2003). It is important to understand the various aspects of the transition process in nursing, and the difficulties encountered by graduate registered nurses as they enter the work force (Chang & Hancock, 2005). This essay will define, argue, and give relevance of delegation, teamwork and advocacy as issues encountered by graduate nurses during the transition process.
Delegation (608 words)
Step 1 (218 words)
From my critical reflections, I have chosen delegation since due to the enormous duties of a nurse, at one point in time; the graduate nurse will have to delegate or be delegated to. Delegation is defined as the transfer or appointment of responsibility to another person with the aim of achieving a common goal (Pickett, 2006).Delegation is described as a four way step: assessment and planning, communication which must be two- way, surveillance and supervision to ensure compliance with standards of practice, procedures and policies, and evaluation and feedback to assess if the delegation was successful (Cox, 2006).
The rights necessary for successful delegation: the right task, under the right circumstances, to the right person, with the right directions and communication and under the right supervision and evaluation (Kelly & Marthaler, 2010). Delegation should take into account; the patients` condition, competence and work load of the delegatee .Successful delegation will be dependent on the relationship between the delegator and the delegatee, strong communication skills, stable system support, and competent nursing leadership (Bittner & Gravlin, 2009).
After reflecting on the discussion forum that we led during the semester, I justify selection of delegation since it is crucial for every graduate nurse in transition to be conversant with delegation to ensure patient care is not jeopardized (Kalisch et al, 2009).
Step 2 (288 words), 5 journals used.
Graduate nurses function as advanced beginners in the nursing profession. They are forced to rely on rules, tasks oriented and lack if clinical ability to adapt to the changing situations in the nursing context. This calls for them to tell apart the tasks that need to be delegated and those that require the handling of more qualified personnel for the benefit of the patient (Kelly & Marthaler, 2010).
A study aimed at assessing the critical thinking of nurses in delegation revealed that graduate nurses in transition expected the assistive personnel to have vast knowledge and skills than they possessed (Bittner & Gravlin, 2009). This issue offered challenges to the transitional graduate nurse since having been from school, they were expected to have the latest knowledge, leading to activities being delegated to them.
Transitional nurses reported difficulty with delegating because of the structure of the care delivery system, reporting being done to multiple registered nurses and with challenges on how to communicate without offending co-workers (Standing & Anthony, 2008). The consequences of difficulties with delegating imply that there will be missed care, which leaves the patients in jeopardy of the consequences of omissions; hospital acquired ulcers, infections and errors (Kalisch et al, 2009).
Effective delegation has been attributed to be possible as a result of trust and understanding of professional practice (Koloroutis, 2004). Trust entails that the delegator understands the delegatee and is confident that the delegatee will accomplish the tasks effectively. Trust is built by caregiver consistency, which is enhanced by staffing schedules, hence influencing the outcome of delegation. It is important for graduate nurses in transition when faced with a situation to delegate, to carefully select the delegatee as influenced by their trust in them (Koloroutis, 2004).
Step 3 (102 words)
The tool kit strategies and the discussion of delegation which I have read have provided me with significant knowledge. This knowledge will positively influence my transition and also my future career since it will enable me to make informed decisions before delegating or being delegated to. It will also shield me from being delegated to activities that are beyond my scope. Moreover, delegation as an issue also posses a challenge to me, to expertise my knowledge and skills since majority of the nurses in the field will expect me to work competently in the skills assigned to me (Bittner & Gravlin, 2009).
Teamwork (658 words)
Step 1 (192 words)
I have chosen teamwork as the second issue of discussion affecting graduate nurses since the needs of the patient can only be met if approached in a team and not singly by an individual. A team is defined as a group of persons who share the same responsibility as to the results, are interdependent in their task, view themselves as forming a single entity, form an intimate part of a greater social system and whose relationships hinge upon organisation boundaries (Hackman, 2002). Teamwork is therefore working collectively in a harmonious and efficient manner, so as to achieve a certain task. For teamwork to be effective there has to be harmony and efficiency. It is important that each person in the team makes a significant effort and is assigned the task that best represents his abilities.
I justify selection of teamwork as an issue necessary for the graduate nurse in transitions since patient care is holistic. The graduate nurse in transition needs to accommodate, respect, and communicate with other team player in the management of the patient. Failure to which, the graduate nurse in transition will jeopardize patient care (Kalisch et al, 2009).
Step 2 (303 words) 8 journals used
A number of studies in health care have enhanced the importance of quality team work in the health care setting. Team work has been associated with increased patient safety (Baker et al., 2005), higher quality of care (Grumbach & Bodenheimer, 2004), and greater patient satisfaction with their care (Meterko et al., 2004). Consequently, team work in nursing has been reported to translate to more productivity and decreased stress levels among the nursing staff. In addition, a health care system where there are highly functioning teams, have been reported to offer support to the inexperienced nurses, like the graduate nurses in transition (Baker et al., 2005).
In a study conducted by Dynamics Research Corporation, it assessed on the errors and a weakness experienced at the emergency department, and teamwork training was conducted. Hope et al., (2005), revealed that team building initiative resulted in better inter-disciplinary understanding, teamwork skills, and consequently a teamwork atmosphere. Consequently, in a study conducted in an emergency department, it revealed that teamwork greatly increased the quality of the team player behaviors, decreased nursing errors and improved their attitudes towards team work (Morey et al., 2002).
Amos et al., (2005) reported that team work resulted in greater staff communication, greater job satisfaction, and consequently strong interpersonal relationships. This was affirmed in a study where it was reported that following a team development program, it led to improved cohesion, clarity of work roles and team work exercised by nurses (Kalisch & Begeny, 2005).
Teamwork creates numerous obligations; necessitating the need for nurses to adapt themselves to other people`s way of being and working, accepting others, taking into account disorganized personalities with whom they must deal with, hence calling for acceptance. This call for the transitional graduate nurses to learn to accommodate other people as in nursing, team work is key (Phaneuf, 2007).
Step 3 (163 words)
Team work has existed since the birth of nursing, and for me as a graduate nurse in transition to be assimilated into the profession; I have to understand the requirements for team work. This will not only be of benefit to me during the transition process, but will ...
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