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Health Care Bill and Impact on the Community

Essay Instructions:
I WANT TO USE THE SAME WRITER YOU HIGHER SECOND TIME AN ORDER #00014011 PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW AND FOLLOW THE GRADING RUBRIC (WHICH IS AN ATTACHMENT) TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT. Health Care Bill and Impact on the Community a) Select one of the current health care bills from the Senate or House or a state legislature of your choice. b) Write a 500-750-word paper on the impact this bill would have on the health care for your community. Include the following: i) Citation for the legislation. ii) Summary of the proposal. iii) Interest groups for and/or against the proposal (your opinion) and why. iv) Who in your community would be affected and how. v) Support for your position on the proposal. c) Use APA format including a TITLE PAGE, AN INTRODUCTION, AND A CONCLUSION. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section. REFERENCES; Web Sites: a) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.). http://www(dot)ahrq(dot)gov/ b) American Association of Retired Persons (2006). http://www(dot)aarp(dot)org/research/ c) American Health Care Association (2004). http://www(dot)ahca(dot)org/ d) American Hospital Association – Policy Forum (2004). http://www(dot)ahapolicyforum(dot)org/ahapolicyforum/index.jsp e) American Nurses Association (2008). http://www(dot)nursingworld(dot)org/ f) Arizona State Legislature. (n.d.). http://www(dot)azleg(dot)state(dot)az(dot)us/Bills.asp g) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (n.d.). http://www(dot)cms(dot)gov/ h) Committee on Education and the Workforce (n.d.). http://edworkforce(dot)house(dot)gov/ i) The Joint Commission (n.d.). http://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/ j) US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, (n.d.). http://help(dot)senate(dot)gov/issues/issue/?id=1f6217c5-a832-4e09-b851-56568b7b885e and http://help(dot)senate(dot)gov/legislation/
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(28 July 2011)
Health Care Bill and Impact on the Community
The Health Care Reform Bill was enacted by the United States senate in the year 2010 so as to provide affordable, quality health care for the American populace. The bill was meant to reduce the spending of lots of money when it came to matters related to health services. The bill was to reduce the medical prices and also present some low payment of insurance. The senate bill was also meant to offer some better access to primary care and surgeons through the increments of the compensation rate. The number of medical school graduates into the medical care was also to be increased. This objective of increasing the number of medical school graduates was to be achieved by shifting un-irrelevant medical residency training slots from specialty care to primary care. The senate bill also stated that there was no money that was going to be spent when it came to preventive care services under Medicare, co-insurance payments and cost-sharing for preventive services. The preventive services will involve the prostrate cancer screening, mammograms, diabetes screening tests and glaucoma screening tests (Baron, et al. 2010).
After the bill being passed by the house of representative, it underwent through a number of challenges before being signed by President Obama Some of this challenges were the opposition from the Attorneys general from 11 states who said that they were against the bill and were preparing to reject it because of its constitutionality. The Democrats also joined fray by wanting to be given a chance to make some few amendments in the final Health Care Reform bill ( HYPERLINK "/USA/Politics/2010/0322/About/Contact/Staff-Writers/Peter-Grier" Grier, 2010).
The main reasons for the rejection of the bill were that, the bill was likely to experience some rationing especially when it came to the new expensive treatments. The rejecting of the bill was based in the language that had been used in the bill. However, for those who said the bill was unconstitutional argued that the bill lays tax in some selected state exports such as the medical devices, others argued that pr...
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