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Issues Within the Hospice Care Setting and Their Effect on Stakeholders

Essay Instructions:

Consider an area in health care in which you work or are interested in working. Examine the dynamics of the interprofessional team (physicians, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, health care administrators, etc.) in that setting. In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, explain how communication and collaborative strategies can be applied to ensure respectful interactions and to prevent or address potential issues among the team in that health care setting. Include the following:
1. Describe the health care setting and summarize the various individuals or teams typically working together in that setting.
2. Discuss what types of issues may occur and how these affect dynamics within the setting for health care workers and for patients and their families.
3. Discuss attributes of a healthy culture that help individuals or groups perform as a team.
4. Describe qualities of effective communication. Discuss how communication styles can be applied to facilitate productive communication.
5. Chapter 8 of your textbook discusses the dynamics of successful interprofessional health care teams. What is a boundary-spanning activity you could incorporate as a leader that would support a collaborative culture and enhance communication? Consider the interprofessional team you would be working with. ***https://viewer(dot)gcu(dot)edu/jtzynR****
6. Explain how employee satisfaction impacts patient care. Describe qualities of professional communication that contribute to acceptable interactions with patients, their families, and other health care professionals.
7. Explain what your role is as a health care leader in helping to facilitate collaboration and clear communication among an interprofessional team, as well as with patients and their families.
A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark – Interprofessional Teams: Collaboration and Communication
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Benchmark – Interprofessional Teams: Collaboration and Communication
Collaboration and communication are essential aspects of a healthcare organization. They encourage sharing of knowledge and ideas and establish positive relationships within the healthcare organization. This paper aims to identify a healthcare setting and employees, discuss issues within the hospice care setting and their effect on stakeholders, outline attributes of a healthy culture to encourage team performance, and highlight qualities and styles of effective communication. Next, the piece will highlight a boundary-spanning activity to support collaboration and communication. It will then explain the effect of employee satisfaction and professional communication on patient care. Lastly, the essay will discuss my personal role as a healthcare leader to interdisciplinary teams and patients
Healthcare Setting and Employees
The selected healthcare setting is a hospice care facility. It is a healthcare organization that provides a special type of care for terminally-ill patients. It aims to provide a better quality of life and relief from symptoms and side effects of incurable diseases. The focus of a hospice is the care and cure of a patient (Bharadwaj et al., 2021). According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), a hospice facility supports patients with their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs to make patients comfortable while maintaining the quality of their remaining life.
This healthcare setting specializes in pain and symptom management and support services like counseling, respite care, practical support, and education. The services are offered by an interdisciplinary team consisting of hospice physicians, hospice nurses, hospice aides, hospice social workers, hospice chaplains or other counselors, hospice volunteers, and bereavement specialists (Lindley et al.,2020). These members work together to maximize comfort for hospice patients by reducing pain and addressing their physical, social, psychological, and spiritual needs.
Issues within the Hospice Care Setting and Effect on Stakeholders
One of the issues that may occur in the hospice care setting is managing misconceptions. There are several misconceptions and negative public views surrounding hospice. For instance, many people believe that hospice is only for the last few days or weeks of life (Ware et al., 2021). However, the purpose of hospice is to improve the quality of life and help patients with serious conditions make most of the time left. Other common misconceptions include: hospice pushes death prematurely; hospice means an individual has given up hope, and hospice will impose a particular religion on the patient. These misconceptions can present a tremendous roadblock for healthcare workers in providing appropriate care at the right time (Ware et al., 2021). It can also demoralize patients and their families in seeking hospice care, thus, reducing the quality of life of terminally ill patients because of persistent pain and suffering. This inflicts psychological, emotional, and social pain in the family.
Attributes of a Healthy Culture to Encourage Team Performance
One of the key attributes of a healthy culture that helps individuals or groups to perform as a team is strong leadership. This attribute promotes positive relationships between workers and the management and encourages teamwork (Barasa et al., 2018). With strong leadership, employees can work together to achieve organizational goals. Another attribute is high employee morale. A healthy culture values and rewards the employees’ efforts to boost their morale and satisfaction. This increases their desire to work with others, knowing that organizational events are enjoyable and successful.
Another characteristic is effective communication. Effective communication encourages interaction and connection and allows information sharing within the setting. Information sharing creates openness, which facilitates teamwork (Shirey, 2017). Simply put, effective communication establishes collaboration that makes employees work as a team by sharing knowledge and ideas to pursue a common goal. Team members who communicate and work together produce positive outcomes.
Qualities and Styles for Effective Communication
The first quality of effective communication is conciseness. It involves getting to the point by using relevant and necessary facts. The second quality is timeliness. The value of any information relies on its timely transmission. If the communicator does not transmit the message at the appropriate time, it loses its value. Good communication is also has a specific objective. In a healthcare setting, the healthcare provider must have a goal before communicating to the patient or staff (Gluyas, 2015). The primary aim is to pass relevant information to the intended party.
Another feature is completeness. Effective communication relays full information to enable the receiver to understand its complete meaning. Correctness also defines effective communication. False message annoys the receiver and makes communication unproductive. Finally, effective communication provides feedback to ensure that the information has reached the intended person (Stacho et al., 2019). Communication styles can be applied to facilitate productive communication by using verbal an...
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