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Introduction, Organization, Cells, and Tissues

Essay Instructions:

In the following virtual lab you will be exploring the cell and various tissue types found in the human body. Begin by viewing the Tour of a Cell video below about cellular structure and function. After you have viewed the video, visit the
Virtual Histology Laboratory link and go through the slide box beginning with Chapter 1 Introduction through Chapter 21 Review.
Answer the questions on Cells and Tissues below in essay format. See the Assignment Expectations below for additional requirements.
A Tour of a Cell. Bozeman Science. Retrieved April 9, 2018, from
Histology Guide. Virtual Histology Laboratory. Retrieved April 9, 2018, from http://www(dot)histologyguide(dot)com/slidebox/slidebox.html
Describe the process in which proteins are packaged by the Golgi body.
Describe the structure and function of lysosomes.
What is autolysis? (Conduct some independent research if needed.)
Describe the outer and inner structure of mitochondria.
Where might have mitochondria originated from? Why?
Describe the outer membrane of the nucleus.
Describe the inner contents of the nucleus.
Explore the Virtual Histology Laboratory and answer the following questions:
Consider the various types of tissues and cell types you reviewed on the Histology Guide site. Which one is the only fluid tissue? Describe this tissue and where it can be found in the body.
What would be the significance of the relationship among cells, tissues, and organs?
Identify the four main types of tissues found in humans and provide the function of each.
Identify five organs analyzed in the lab and provide a function of each.
Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Golgi Body. Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question.
Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages. Use APA formatting for your essay. Pages should have 1-inch margins, and text should be in 12-point type and double-spaced. Include a title page, an introduction, subtitles with answers to the questions, and a concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all the resources you used to complete your essay, such as required readings and any additional resources.
See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition.
Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 1 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction, organization, cells, and tissues
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The body comprises about two hundred individual cells organized into four tissues, forming organs and eventually an organ system that keeps a person or organism alive. The discussion outlines their structures and functions, which benefit an organism.
Q.1. Golgi body
When proteins enter the Golgi body, they move through the stacks of the Golgi apparatus, where they are modified and added nutrients. Next, they are packaged and sent to other body cells through the trans side, facing the plasma membrane Cooper, 2000, pp. 1-2).
Q.2. Lysosomes
Lysosomes are tiny round membrane organelles, with a single outer lysosomal membrane floating inside the cells. The cell has several hydrolytic enzymes, which catalyze hydrolysis reactions. The cells, commonly referred to as suicide sac, contain digestive enzymes, which break down large structures and materials into simple components that cells can use (Bozeman Science, 2012). It also helps in cell metabolism by consuming and dissolving unwanted parts of a cell, foreign materials, and debris that enter the cell.
Q.3 Description of autolysis
Autolysis is the process by which enzymatic digestion of cells takes place by cells inside it. The process occurs mainly when a cell is dying or dead and is influenced by warm temperatures and a large body mass, which fastens the process (Arnold, 2018, pp. 130).
Q.4. Mitochondria
Mitochondria is a folded membrane inside another membrane. The outer membrane is characterized by numerous protein-based pores that permit ions and molecules to pass through. The inner membrane’s structure is a thin lining with a restricted permeability. It is made up of proteins, which transport electrons and synthesis of ATP.
Q.5. Mitochondria
Mitochondria are thought to have come about through endosymbiotic theory whereby the mitochondria produce ATP for various cells and, as a result, engulf the cells. The cells come to rely on it for energy production, and over time, they develop more mitochondria, which continue to work with these cells, continuing the evolution (Bozeman Science, 2012).
Q.6. Nucleus
The outer part of the nucleus is a repetitive membrane of the rough endoplasmic...
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