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Describe Developemental Issue: Autism in Toddlers

Essay Instructions:

Explain a growth and development or psychosocial issue that might present in the age group you selected ( Selected age group Toddler and selected disorder is Autism) Introduction and purpose of the paper
Include the epidemiology of the issue in your explanation.
Explain an age-appropriate protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care of this issue.
Explain how culture might impact the care of patients who present with the growth and development or psychosocial issue you selected .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Autism in Toddlers
Institutional Affiliation
Good development of children is necessary for their growth. Every parent wants to have a healthy child. The first three years are the most important in a child’s development. Proper feeding and general care from those around them is necessary for the full benefits to be seen. It is normal for children to visit pediatricians frequently when in this age group and proper checking is necessary so as to realize that the child is developing well. Vaccinations and immunizations have become mandatory in every child’s care because they protect the child from any diseases that may affect them in the future (Robins, 2001). They help in the development of antibodies which are responsible for the eradication of the diseases. Of late, checkups at the pediatricians have evolved due to the development of other new disorders such as ASD (Matson, 2007). Reason being that it has affected many toddlers who have been found to have it. The disorder has caused hindrances in the growth and development of children and parents are warned to be on the lookout for the signs as early as when a child is three months old. This paper sets out to analyze the prevalence of ASD in toddlers and the various issues affecting the development of the disorder in the toddlers.
Epidemiology of Autism
According to an estimate by CDC in March 2007, about 43% of children had showed signs of developing autism by the age of three years (Kuehn, 2007). This however overshadowed the fact that the majority of the remaining children had other medical concerns before the age of three. It is possible to diagnose autism at the age of two years though. Apparently, white children are more likely to develop autism earlier than black and Hispanic children (Matson, 2007). The black and Hispanic children may develop it later than the white children and at lesser rates. Therefore, the estimated prevalence of autism at the time of the research was one child in every sixty eight children (Kuehn, 2007).
This has led to the development of national programs aimed at eradicating autism. Early intervention is needed to combat this disorder in children. The prevalence has increased since the first autism report in 2007 (Kuehn, 2007). The programs developed since then have been instrumental in shaping the lives of the children who were once affected by autism. The organization known as Autism Speaks has largely helped in the eradication of autism and has made great steps in developing personalized treatment for those who are affected (Matson, 2007). They have developed resources to be used by individuals in every stage of life, funded research which finds solutions to autism and providing welfare options for those who have been affected by autism.
Treatment for Autism in Toddlers
The treatment programs for children are quite ...
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