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Newsletter on Cyber Safety by School Nurse N187

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Newsletter on Cyber Safety by the the school nurse. Please see examples below.

A colorful newsletter on concussion



An example of Cyber Safety:

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Weekly Newsletter
We all Want a Fair Chance
* Every one of us that reports to school, they have dreams about the future much like every other person in their lives.
* They want to excel in something that they love and have an impact in the society.
* One of the ways that they can achieve their dreams is if they are in a safe environment.
* We spend most of our time in the school environment and thus we need to make the safest place.
Let Make It Safe
1225558045450As such, it is crucial that the school environment offers the student one of the best support towards realizing their potential (Duff & Reiney, 2014). This is not possible if the students are constantly harassed by their peers.
The Pain of School Violence
* School violence is one of the factors that contributes to students suffering from emotional and even physical injuries.
* In some of the cases, these are injuries that take years to heal and in some of the cases the students will easily recover and gain massive experience about handling such situations.
* School violence is now closely associated with cyber bullying and hence the need to address it from the basics.
* School violence, can easily be defined as those acts of youth violence that take place within the school compound or on the school’s property.
Physical Harm
Any element of physical, forceful, threatening acts against a person or a group with the intent of causing harm (National Association of School Nurses, 2013). Sometimes the results of school environment are physical injury, psychological harm, sexual abuse, cyber bulling, maldevelopment in students and in some of the cases even death. These underline the seriousness of this topic and why there is need for it to be addressed from a nursing point of view (National Association of School Nurses, 2013). With the advent of social media, most of these aspects of violence are attached to the information that is shared on these platforms. This then escalates into violence. Where there is not an element of violence, the students are faced with painful experiences of psychological nature which will scar them and impede their potential.
Harming Our Fellow Students
* However, there is a negative aspect associated with school violence that impact...
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