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Introduction to Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions below!!!
As a healthcare professional, it is your responsibility to be ethically sound. You have an essential responsibility to effectively apply ethical reasoning to crucial decisions. One method of elevating your ethical reasoning abilities is through the practice, reading, and understanding of case studies. While every case is not identical, the review of ethical case studies prepares you for similar incidents that may arise.
Case Assignment
For the Module 1 Case Assignment, review 2 cases from the AMA Journal of Ethics (http://journalofethics(dot)ama-assn(dot)org/site/cases.html).
In a 2- to 3-page paper complete the following:
Identify each case that you have selected.
Explain in detail the ethical issue of each case.
Identify the ethical principle(s) that are relevant in the cases from the 4 basic ethical principles (justice, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence).
Explain from a healthcare professional perspective what you would have done differently in the case, or if you agree with how it was handled, explain your reasoning. This should not be opinion but a supported ethical analysis.
You are to support your analysis and views with at least 3 scholarly references (e.g., peer-reviewed journals).
Assignment Expectations
Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Studies
Student Name
Case Study 1
When Imaging Data Contradict a Patient’s Self-report, How Should Clinicians Proceed?
This case is about a women patient who is 46 years old, and she has had primary progressive multiple sclerosis. She has had this disease for about 20 years, and she regularly seeks guidance and treatment measures from her doctor, a neurologist, and his name is Dr. N. Female is named with J.M. (Dastidar, 2021)
Ethical Issue:
In this case, the doctor has advised J.M. to go for curative treatment, which is very effective, but she insists on maintaining her health with a proper healthy diet and regular exercise. But things brought opposite scenarios and increased the symptoms of J.M. regarding the disease when she was done with her recent MRI.
Relevant Ethical principle(s):
This case depicts portrays the conception and actions of the patient corresponding to her decisions in terms of regimen. The doctor's responsibility is to tell the patient about the benefits and de-benefits of the treatment that he and the patient will prevail.
Ethical analysis:
In the case of J.M. and Dr. N, it is thought out succor to imply the decision-making tools so that better decisions could be made and formulate the care plan that J.M. would accept. In the prevailing case, the side effects of glatiramer acetate injections, and the side effects include chest pain, anxiety, depression, etc. These could distress the patient who is already fighting with the neurodegenerative disease. The doctor's responsibility is to tell the patient regarding the treatment even if there are minimum or no symptoms.
Dr. N should have to tell J.M. about the substitute of glatiramer injections, which is based on Ocrelizumab. However, the side effects of the replacement should also be briefed. The clinicians are responsible for the patient's health literacy and the perception and chances of the merits and demerits associated with the proposed treatment. Dr. N is a professional doctor. He has asked women patients (J.M.) to research for PPMS to get insight into her disease. He has said this because he wanted her to be satisfied with him and his treatment procedures despite going to another neurologist who will tell the same things as he has told her. (Syed, 2018) Having the pre-knowledge and comprehension, I.A. is reliable in giving her confidence and enhanced decision-making power. She will get to know that there are no prominent...
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