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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Interprofessional Documentation. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer,

Please follow teacher's instruction. Please copy and paste question first then write the answer. And please use APA format wit links.

Thank you

Step 1: Case of Jane Black: See information on below for case study information

- Female, 32 years of age/ Married with 3 children/ 22 weeks pregnant/ Newly diagnosed Diabetic/ right-sided weakness

PMH- Right-sided weakness from a "minor stroke" 5 years ago

Mother of 3 children aged 7, 5, 3

Hx of present illness: - Newly diagnosed Diabetic

22 weeks pregnant (4th pregnancy)

Experiences polydipsia and polyuria

Found at home drowsy and having difficulty focusing

Family Hx

Mother is diabetic with vision problems and recently diagnosed with kidney failure

7 y/o daughter has Cystic Fibrosis

Husband smokes and is overweight

Living Conditions:

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment

Primary family caregiver

Step 2: Answer the following questions on DB (point form answers fine)

- What Interprofessional team members would you include for this client?

• What would the nurse document in this case situation

• What do you see as the issues and challenges of interprofessional documentation?

• What strategies can you come up with to overcome the issues an challenges of interprofessional documentation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interpersonal Documentation
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Date of Submission:
Interpersonal Documentation
What Interprofessional team members would you include for this client?
Pregnancy comes with many complications that should be monitored to ensure that both the mother and unborn child’s lives and safety are not compromised. In the case study, a 22-weeks pregnant woman, Jane Black, has been diagnosed with diabetes. Jane has a history of diabetes in her family. For instance, her mother has diabetes and was recently diagnosed with kidney failure. In this case, both her gynecologist and the doctor should work in synergy to protect the unborn baby (Guck et al., 2019). The gynecologist and the obstetrician assess the mother’s health and that of the baby to establish the type of care given. If there are any issues, the gynecologist will request an ultra-sound and close monitoring of the pregnancy. 
What would the nurse document in this case situation?
The clinical nurse should document the patients’ current symptoms, anxiety levels, emotional status, and patients’ blood pressure. The nurse should also include her health history and factors that may contribute to the disease noted. All the notable signs within her reproductive system should be forwarded to the gynecologist, who may refer the patient for an ultrasound and other tests to ensure the baby is safe. Pregnancy may present with high blood pressure in some women. However, in diabetic pregnant women, blood pressure is often higher than usual, and medical practitioners should moderate the condition to avoid maternal deaths. The woman may also be predisposed to heart disease and stroke later in their lives, especially those with preeclampsia and blood pressure during pregnancy. Therefore, the gynecologist, the pediatrician, and clinical nurse should collaborate to save the life of Jane and that of the unborn child. The collaboration strategy should involve frequent monitoring of her blood pressure and blood glucose level and the fetus’s c...
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