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CHFD 445 Week 2 Assignment. The Five Forms of Power

Essay Instructions:

Mona and her 14 year old twin daughters are at home.  The girls begin

squabbling over who gets to use the family’s iPad.  Mona intervenes to

stop the fight.  Using the Raven and French model of power, what might

Mona say to end the fight?  For example if Mona were relying on the

reward power model, what would be her possible response that would

result in an end to fight?  Do the same for each type of power identified in

the French Model.  Please create this assignment in a word document. 

Your assignment should be 500-750 words in length.

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Week 2 assignment
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Week 2 Assignment
The Five Forms of Power
The French and Raven model was initiated in 1959 by two social psychologists Bertram Raven and John French. Their study was meant to illustrate how leaders can influence their subjects and the level of preparedness to submit to their power (Kovach, 2020). The psychologists described the five forms of power and how their relevant application in communication. They are the coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert power. According to the given scenario, Mona can use the five forms of power to stop the fight in the following ways.
Mona and her 14-year-old twin daughters are at home. The girls begin squabbling over who gets to use the family’s iPad. Mona intervenes to stop the fight.
Reward power involves the leader utilizing their ability to award individuals to obtain desired outcomes in return. The power works by promising people something in return (Kovach, 2020). In the scenario, Mona can use the power by promising to buy them some shoes they have been admiring for a long if they stop fighting. She may use the power of reward by promising the first person to let go of the fight a gift or both. However, the gift may not be as strong as it seems. If the girls expect and believe that Mona will reward them if they stop the fight, they will do it. This depends on the ability of the two to perceive truth from Mona.
The coercive power is based on coercion, and its main aim is to achieve compliance. And if an individual fails to comply, a severe consequence is outline...
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