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Influence of Political Lenses on Perception of Historical Event

Essay Instructions:

I. Articulate how different historical lenses impact how people perceive an historical event. The lenses include political, economic, and social.

A. Explain how historical lenses could be applied to your topic. For instance, are there aspects of this event that might interest a political historian

and what are they?

B. Choose one of the lenses referenced above, and detail how the historical narrative you started in your research and introduction might change

through this lens. For instance, how might the “story” of your event change when studied through its political aspects?

C. Discuss what conclusions you can draw about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller.” How does this impact for you what “history” is?

Be sure to back up your opinions with information learned throughout the course and in reference to your chosen topic.

II. Based on your conclusions, articulate the value of studying history.

A. Describe how you could apply to our lives today what you have learned from the event you have studied. Be sure to reference specific

contemporary issues. For instance, what specific issues that we encounter today could benefit from lessons learned from your event?

B. Discuss your opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself.” Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to explain why you have this opinion with

information you have learned throughout the course and in your research of your topic.

C. Discuss your obligation as a citizen of your society to understanding the history behind issues that impact you every day. For instance, what civic

duties you can be better at if you know more about their history? How can being a more informed member of society benefit you and society?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Letter to Stakeholder
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Policy/Historical Stakeholder
Dear Sir/ Madam:
Drafting of the American Constitution followed liberty from the British colonial rule. It is a political reflection bestowed within both philosophical and economic interdependence and influence. To elaborate on the drafting of the federal constitution, the format of this paper is a letter that takes two parts. First, constitutionalism has given the United States the highest pedestal of sovereignty globally.
Part One: Influence of Political Lenses on Perception of Historical Event
Arrival and settlement of the British in the current American soil is a mastery of historical significance that foregrounds the contemporary political dominance. To understand the significance of the constitution and why it is needed, philosophical and political bigwigs, including George Washington, James Hamilton, James Monroe, and John Adams, foresaw a system where the future will depend on the centrality of a government, as discussed by Amadi et al. (2017). Whether or not it borrows from the colonial masters, the listed iconic leaders perceived the constitution as a sense of unity through a federal government. Thus, a political historian can be interested in evaluating the powers of the executive arm of government by interpreting the provisions of selected mandates of that government as contained in the constitution.
Constitutional changes occur from political policies and changes. Therefore, when studying the drafting of the Federal Constitution, it is effective to denote the changes that have occurred in the political spectrum throughout the decades. For instance, analysis of political developments in America since the formulation of the Federal Constitution dichotomizes the changes like the adoption of Universal Suffrage in 1947 (Wayne, 2020) and the 2010 adoption of the Affordable Care Act of President Barrack Obama. The two examples are conceptually landmark changes that resulted in the constitutional amendments and impacted people's perceptions about their political regimes.
Telling history by a given qualification of the teller may provide a biased or heightened view about a historical event. For instance, when discussing the factors that led to the drafting of the Federal Constitution, a philosopher would make a greater and influential narrator, as shown by Patapan (2018). In contrast, a political activist may present the same story in a biased way making the perception of the ev...
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