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7 pages/≈1925 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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HLTH 1020: Individual paper assignment

Essay Instructions:

HLTH 1020

Individual Paper and Team Presentation


Due date: In your small team sessions, the dates for the team project will be posted once the team project schedule is confirmed.



Students will gain insight into the roles, knowledge, and skills of various health disciplines while comparing insights with his/her own disciplinary role, knowledge, and skills. Students will use this knowledge to prepare and present a realistic case study involving various health disciplines to assist a client/patient in achieving realistic outcomes.


There are two (2) components to the assignment – an individual paper and a team presentation.  All individual papers will be due on the same date which will be determined once the team presentation schedule is finalized.


All reports will be type written in 12 point font in APA format.  Hand written submissions will not be accepted.  Please refer to your respective program guide for academic misconduct with respect to plagiarism. 


Late Policy:  You will receive a five (5) percent deduction from your assignment for each day past the due date and after five (5) days, you will receive a mark of zero.




  1. Throughout the term, your group will focus on the various health discipline guest speaker presentations.


  1. Discover and record characteristics of each of the health professions using the attached template – Health Discipline Presentation Tracking Sheet.


  1. Utilize the data gathered to distinguish between the health disciplines. This data will be used for your individual paper and to prepare for your group presentation.


Individual Paper Requirements


  1. Provide a brief introduction to your paper which will include the purpose of your paper.


  1. Utilize the ‘Health Discipline Presentation Tracking Sheet’ to provide a summary revealing the information that you acquired with respect to the health disciplines including knowledge, skills, similarities and differences between the disciplines presented and your discipline. You must incorporate all disciplines presented.  You will not hand in the tracking sheets, but will use the tracking sheets to assist you in formulating your information.  The format of the body of your paper could be presented in either a narrative or chart format.
    1. In addition to your summary, you will provide a one (1) to two (2) page reflection on what you gained from doing this assignment.  Please ensure you also focus on the change in your understanding about the roles, knowledge, and skills prior to and after the presentations.


Team Presentation


As a team, you will create and present a case study in which all of the health disciplines presented during class participate in the care of the client/patient in the case study. The case study should include a detailed description of the health and psychosocial issues that the client/patient encounters. The case study should also include realistic client/patient outcomes based on health discipline involvement and health and human resources available to assist the client/patient.


Please utilize the data you have gathered throughout the term to prepare the case study, as well as to develop the treatment plan demonstrating client/patient outcomes and health discipline involvement. The presentation must include a detailed description of the team function during client/patient care (assessment, treatment, and evaluation) by focussing on areas of communication, conflict management, interprofessional leadership, and client/patient centered care.


Remember to maintain confidentiality if using details from a realistic situations.


The presentation will be 15 minutes in duration and must involve all group members. 

A written copy of the case study and client/patient outcomes must be submitted on behalf of the team which includes a description of the team function in the written report. If there are team members who have not contributed or participated actively during the progression of the group presentation, it is the group’s decision on the outcome.

Total assignment: 20 % - Individual report: 10% and Team presentation & report: 10%

HLTH 1020

Health Discipline Presentation Tracking Sheet

Discipline/ Date





1. Insights gained about the role of the guest discipline.


2. How does this information vary from your previous idea of the role?












1. Insights gained about knowledge needed to practice the guest’s role.


2. What knowledge is similar to your discipline?


3. What knowledge is different from your discipline?


















1. Insights gained about the skills needed to practice the guest’s role.


2. What skills are similar to your discipline?


3. What skills are different from your discipline?






















Individual Paper Rubric: 10%









Student describes ideas in a logical and grammatically- correct manner.



Description of ideas







Logical flow of ideas














Student presents ideas about the health profession that are interesting, integrative, comprehensive, and thought provoking.



What did you gain from doing this assignment?








What was the role of each guest discipline?

How does this vary from your previous idea of the roles?









What knowledge is needed to practice each guest’s discipline?

What knowledge is similar to your discipline?

What knowledge is different from your discipline?









Student makes a thorough comparison of the guests discipline to his/her own.



Comparable: What skills are similar to your discipline?









Unique: What skills are different from your discipline?






Individual Total:                                                                                                      /40







Team Presentation Rubric: 10%








Case study

Description of the health and psychosocial issues 


Identification and inclusion of all of the health disciplines


Realistic client/patient outcomes



Focused on: communication, conflict management, leadership, and client/patient centered care 


Accurate description of the roles





Group involvement




Case study submitted



Written description of team function



























Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual paper assignment: Health care disciplines
Course number
Instructor’s name
The social support and health care sector has an array of professionals working in coordination to uphold heath within their communities. The professionals study different disciplines such as physiotherapists, nursing practitioners and pharmacists among others. It is reported that Canada has a total of two million, one hundred and twenty eight thousand people working in different professions within this sector (Statistics Canada, 2013). Each of these professions has specific skills to undertake particular functions to ensure positive health outcomes and achieve health care experience that is all-inclusive. It is important for all the professionals to coordinate their contributions while delivering care to the patients to achieve holistic care. Effective teamwork is essential in ensuring that they provide appropriate to the patients for positive health outcomes. It is of utmost importance that the professionals in each of the disciplines fully understand the role of each of the disciplines in health care to make meaningful contributions as part of the health care team. This paper outlines the different disciplines in health care and social support, the knowledge and the skills they require to work effectively. It will also compare and contrast the different disciplines with practical nursing.
Discipline Chart
The following chart provides knowledge and skills and compares various disciplines with the practical nursing discipline, which is my personal area of study. The practical nursing discipline does not outline the differences and similarities sections because they are not relevant.
DisciplineKnowledgeSkillsSimilaritiesDifferencesPractical nurse (O'Reily, 2000)-Requires a diploma running for two years
-Has a variety of areas of specializations such as anatomy and human physiology
- Facilitating healing, promoting care and health using technical skills
- Ongoing learning and proactive annual reflection- performing evaluation on health
-offering empathy, care and being compassionate
-Health training
-Dressing wounds
- Indwelling catheter and feeding tubes work
-Individual work
- Caring for the trachea
- Nutritional care
- Administering medicationN/AN/APersonal support worker (Stanfield & Hui, 2002)-Requires one year certificate from college
- certification not compulsory before 2014
- Promoting clients autonomy
-Behavioral assessment illustrative of changes in the body and health situation- Capability of working with patients with multiple needs
-Aiding clients to perform everyday activities such as grooming, motor functioning and feeding
-Evaluating daily health progress
- Working autonomously
-Relaxing communication- works as a member of a nursing team
- Communication and health training or teaching
- Working autonomously
-Critical thinking
-Evaluation or assessing heath
-decision making
-it is not regulated
- Does not undertake
controlled acts
- Deals more with everyday activities to ensure grooming, sanitization, feeding and output
- For patients requiring longer term care Paramedic (Holfman, Bennett, & Mar, 2009)-requires a college diploma running for two years
- Undertakes primary, advanced and critical care- managing care to address trauma and medical emergencies
-Relocating patients
-Communication for therapy
- Providing first aid
- Cardio version
- Intubation
-Medication therapy
-needle decompression
-defibrillation and observing cardiac performance
-Rendering care in emergency situations
-Effective communication with a therapeutic goal
- providing CPR and first aid
- Possess certification to perform specific tasks
-Conducting health assessment of crucial symptoms and signs-They work without the hospital and hand over patients to hospitals for additional care
-Always work in crises situations to address emergenciesDental assistant (Kember, 2008)-Requires a certificate from college running for one year
- Requires technical training- Effective communication
- performing x-rays
- Sterilizing dentistry tools
-Organizing tools required by dentists
- health teaching particularly about diet intake
- Working together with other stakeholders such as dentists, sales personnel, administrative personnel, pharmacists, hygienists , dentists, schools and insurance agencies
-health training or teaching and effective communication
- Frequent cooperating with other health professionals - It not regulated
- Supplemental role in assisting dentists and has little interaction with patients Dental hygienist -Requires a college diploma running for two years
-Knowledge in accurate oral health assessment
- Undertaking cleaning and prevention procedures
- Oral health teaching for improved oral health- Examining the inside and outside oral parts
- scaling
- polishing
- X-rays administration and interpretation
- Screening for oral cancer
- Application of desensitizing and fluoride
-Oral health teaching
-Administering oral health- health training or teaching and communication
-Assessing of patient’s health
-Oral procedures-Nurses have no qualification related to oral cavity issues
-Nurses have no qualification to undertake x-raysRetail pharmacy assistant-Requires a college certificate running for one year
-Compounding of medications knowledge
-Processing insurance claims
-Using computer software for pharmacy work
-Information collection
-Technology oriented training and skills
- compounding medication
-effective communication with clients
- Supplying medication-teaching on health
-Supplying medication, following supervised order to the patients - It is not regulated
-Works in community and retail pharmacies
-processing insurancePharmacy technician (Kember, 2008)-Requires a college diploma running for two years
- Completion of PEBC and jurisprudence exam.
-Undertake thorough practical training including five hundred mistake free prescriptions before certification- collecting information
- Communicating with patients
-Ascertaining that patients are fully conversant with prescription instructions - they work both outside and inside hospitals
-It is a regulated discipline
-They undertake health teaching-They prepare drugs and medicines
- Work outside hospitals in drug companies and retail pharmaciesSocial service worker (O'Reily, 2000)-Requires a college diploma running for two years
-Knowledge of grants and other social support programs for assisting patients with particular needs
- It is a regulated discipline-Assessing family dynamics
-Counseling patients
-Gathering information about the patient’s environment
-Exploring ways the health team can better assist patients
-Assessment- Evaluation of the client’s needs and health assessment
-regulated discipline- They assist the clients to readjust back to normal life after undergoing a health condition hindering their daily activities in the societyOccupational therapy assistant /physiotherapy assistant (O'Reily, 2000)-Requires a college diploma running for two years
-Assisting clients to exercise properly
-Optimizing each t...
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