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Essay Instructions:


20% of final grade

Instructions and Grading Rubric

You are interested in strategies that may be utilized to promote smoking cessation among pregnant adolescents. Identify and list all combinations of key words that you would use to search the relevant research literature for information regarding the current state of knowledge regarding your topic.

Utilizing the HSC library, http://www(dot)hsclib(dot)sunysb(dot)edu/, perform an electronic search using these key words in the following databases: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE, and PubMed.

A. What is the total number of articles listed from each database searched? Include a description of your search method. The description of your search should contain sufficient information to enable another to replicate your search. So describe what you did and how you narrowed or expanded the search. Your final list should yield articles in the last 5 years.

B. The purpose of the literature search is to create a list of references that you can use to promote smoking cessation strategies for pregnant adolescents. Therefore the number of articles must be manageable. If after searching CINHAL, MEDLINE and PubMed, you have a list of hundreds [or thousands] of references, you should realize that you couldn’t possibly read all of them. It is OK to say how many you find on your first attempt but then you need to go further and refine your search to produce a manageable list. (Remember, if you were doing a real project on this topic you would have to READ all the references so you could find relevant, helpful information.) If your first search yields huge amounts of data, go back and narrow the search terms. You can say what you did to give you a more manageable list. Chapter 3 in the required text by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt describes how to go about searching.

3. Download one article found from each database (No need to submit the article), and submit an annotated bibliography for each of these three articles utilizing APA 6th edition format. Articles should be no more than 5 years old. Please do not omit this portion. This should reflect what the article says and WHY IT IS A HELP FOR YOU IN YOUR PROJECT. So, in addition to the summary of the article you should discuss things like:

a. Author's/authors' credibility or expertise on the subject. A review of the reference list at the end of the article will give you a hint as to whether the author is an expert in the field. (For example, would a neonatal NP have enough expertise to write an article about psychotherapy in wounded war veterans?)

b. What do you think about the content of the article? Did it help you?

c. Is it clearly written? Is it timely or too old to be of help for you in 2018? Some articles are classics and withstand the test of time but others may be beyond their "shelf life".

4. Writing style: All written work must be done in APA format. The following elements are what will be evaluated when considering adherence to APA format:

Use standard format:


1-inch margins

Times New Roman 12 font

Title page

Running header

Pagination per APA guidelines

Title your project appropriately (for example, “Literature Review Assignment”).

Use APA style headings to organize your paper.

Use APA format for citations and include a References page.

Spelling & grammar includes (but not limited to) capitalizations, abbreviations, sentence

structure, proper tense, punctuations, etc.

Grading Rubric

Spelling, grammar, APA format 2 points

0-2 errors 2 points

3-5 errors 1 point

Over 5 errors 0 point

Defining Key words 2 points

Searching 3 databases (there must be 3 databases searched) 4 points

Realistic list demonstrating

narrowing of focus and

refinement of key terms as needed 4 points

Some refinement of terms and

narrowing of focus 3 points

Hundred to thousands of

Reference; no refinement of key

terms 2 points

Annotated Bibliography (three articles from search) 4 points for each article

Comprehensive review (all parts of question) 4 points

Intermediate review (2 of 3 parts) 3 points

Vague review (1 of 3 parts) 2 points

No summary just article 1 point

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature Review
Institution of Affiliation
CINAHL Database Search
1st: smoking cessation CINAHL full text: 13 items
2nd: smoking cessation strategies CINAHL full text: 5
3rd: smoking cessation strategies for pregnant women CINAHL full text: 0 items
4th: smoking cessation strategies for adolescent women CINAHL full text: 0 items
5th: Used strategy: smoking cessation strategies CINAHL full text 2016
Bartsch, A.-L., Härter, M., Niedrich, J., Brütt, A. L., & Buchholz, A. (2016). A Systematic Literature Review of Self-Reported Smoking Cessation Counseling by Primary Care Physicians. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168482. http://doi.org.proxy.library.stonybrook.edu/10.1371/journal.pone.0168482
The authors carried out a systematic review on articles that contained a self-reported approach in smoking cessation in the primary care. From the onset the researchers have given a detailed description of different approaches used by the primary care providers using the counseling approach to promote smoking cessation among the smokers. Some of the notable approaches include the 5As (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange) and the ABC model (Ask and give Brief advice about Cessation). In particular they chose to focus on the 5As model as it is considered more appropriate and incorporates all the steps in the counseling process.
The articles were limited to those between the year 2000 and the year 2015. The inclusion criteria focused on the 5As model and other aspects for exclusion were taken into consideration in the article screening process. Out of 3491 articles, only 35 articles made it to the final list of inclusion that was utilized in the exercise.
In overall one of the “ Main findings are that the first strategies “Ask” and “Advise” were more often reported than the subsequent strategies “Assess”, “Assist” and “Arrange”. This finding corresponds to research that found the last two strategies (assist, arrange) to be least reported”. They further indicate that the 5As model was proven to be the most appropriate strategy for primary care providers to use in the counseling process for smokers. This makes it more appropriate for smoking cessation among pregnant women.
The authenticity of authoritative nature of the article can be attributed to the clarity, detail and structural organization of the paper which not only indicates thoroughness in the research but also the level of professionalism of the researchers. Furthermore, the acknowledgement and the funding statement at the end of the paper give credibility of the paper. The references have their links accompanying them for credibility and verification of the information provided by the researchers.
Although the paper does not specifically address smoking cessation among neither pregnant women nor adolescents, it provides useful information on relevant smoking cessation strategies that can be contextualized for smoking pregnant women.
Medline Search:
1st: smoking cessation MEDLINE full text: 28 articles
2nd: smoking cessation strategies MEDLINE full text: 6 articles
3rd: smoking cessation strategies for pregnant women MEDLINE full text: 0 articles
4th: smoking cessation strategies for adolescent pregnant women MEDLINE full text: 0 articles
The second strategy used:
Hollands GJ, McDermott MS,  HYPERLINK "https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.proxy.library.stonybrook.edu/pubme...
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