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Individual care plan nutritional self analysis

Essay Instructions:
for individual care plan nutritional self analysis, I need a chart inside. For example Appendix Time Activity Where you ate (table, computer, school etc) Food and Quantity Who else was present Reason for eating (stress, hunger, socialization, lonely etc) 9pm studying On the computer Can of coke and half a bag of chips (227 grams) No one munchies please read the documents carefully, and follow the instruction. If you have any question, message me! Thank you. P.S. hi I have order the two essay, I forget to tell I need the all references should be within 5 years.
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Individual Care Plan Nutrition Self Analysis Name: Institution: Date: Introduction Nutrition is a very important factor in the lives of human beings. Every individual must strive to ensure that the right level of nutrition is acquired in the body or system. Thus, dietary assessment is very crucial in this practice as it helps in determining the right eating discipline that attains adequate health. Dietary evaluation is the procedure of assessing the things that people eat through the usage of several or one intake indicators (McGuire & Beerman, 2011). Considerably, it is said to be the best tactic that identifies nutrients, which have the likelihood of being under, or excessively consumed by the groups or individuals of interest. Moreover, dietary assessment enables in the identification of food preferences and patterns. Find herein a self-assessment on dietary intake for a period of two days as well as its comparison to the intake that is recommended for an individual with the similar age, activity level and gender. Being a twenty years old lady of one hundred and sixty cent meters height, I weigh one hundred and ten pounds and the waist line forty centimeters. Due to accumulated stress and quite a busy lifestyle experience in the recent days, the most accessible and easy meals for me are fast foods because they are readily available in most restaurants. This enables me to acquire adequate time for study as well as the work around the house on returning from work (Gulanick & Myers, 2011). The diary log below represents the eating habits and dietary intake for the last two days of Wednesday and Thursday. Diary log for the last two days’ dietary intake WednesdayTime ActivityPlace of eating Food and quantityIn presence ofReason for eating7.30 a.mNon (sleeping)On the dining table250ml orange juice served with one fruit pie (50g).No oneroutine12 noonLaundry kitchenA plate of Fried beef(100g) with two pieces of bread(50g)Two siblingsstarvation4 p.mWatching televisionA friend’s home compoundTwo bananas(60g) and a cup of teaThree friendssocialization9 p.mshoppingOn the computer Quarter fried chicken (250g) green vegetables and back bacon (50g).  One siblinghungerThursday 7 a.mjoggingkitchenA cup of coffee (30ml)No onestress12 noonstudyingCampus’s dining hallTwo hamburgers( 150g) and a cup of milk(half cup) Five school mateshunger5 p.mdrivingIn the carA piece of cheese and a can of cokeNo onemunchies 7.30 p.mLibrary arrangementThe dining tableA piece of sweet potato, two eggs, fresh juice.Two siblingshunger11 p.mWatching T.VkitchenA packet of plain cookiesNo onestress This data bears a big difference with the one recommended for a twenty years old individual. The total number of calories per day is unbelievably high. This could be due to high levels of sugar and fats in the food consumed. On the other hand, the recommended calories for someone of my age are lower. The healthy and nutritious food like green vegetables, milk, cheese, among others should provide healthy meals if taken after calories calculations. In consideration of the way a recommended dietary intake ought to be, this diary log shows all the signs of unhealthy eating. This is because most of the food is sandwiches and drinks that other could consider as snacks, while all they do is add huge amounts of fats in the body. In order to attain good health and maintain dietary intake, it is important to consider the most nutritious food as well as those harmful to our health. This explains the weight of one hundred and ten pounds, since the activities are very light yet the amount of food taken is high. It is clearly indicated that junk food in most cases lack the nutrients that the body needs in order to be healthy. However, most of the meals indicated on the dietary intake diary log is junk, which not only contain fats, but high levels of sugar as well as sodium and excessive amount may result to obesity. The excessive junk food is discouraged at every stage of an individual because it may cause the same effects in most of the times. The high amount of sugar in the system through the consumption of junk food places the metabolic system under stress. The eating of refined sugar causes the pancreas to secrete high levels of insulin in order to stop a hazardous spike in the levels of blood sugar. The recommendation for adequate quantities of good carbohydrates and protein explains the disadvantageous manner of the junk food because it rare in them. The lack of these nutrients in junk food causes the sugar levels of the blood to suddenly drop, and may demand the system of an individual to crave for sugar, while feeling fatigued and grumpy if the craving is not catered for. The discipline of regularities in eating is also very crucial, as taking large quantities of food at little intervals of time is risky in causing obesity too. The table indicates that there was so much over eating caused by loneliness and stress. Hunger is also likely to be high if an individual eats a lot, and especially if they are not involved in difficult activities that should cut the fats and sugars. Therefore, each food group taken per day requires a measurable amount in order to prevent the disadvantages accompanied by o...
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