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Who defines dying with dignity?

Essay Instructions:
Short Paper: Who defines dying with dignity? Instructions Read the attached article: Byock, I. (2010). Dying with dignity. Hastings Center Report, 40(2), back cover The author implies society is more tolerant of very young individuals who are dependent on others for care at the beginning of life as opposed to the aging population who become physically dependent and require care by others at the end of life. Consider hospice and palliative care as you write a four page paper which includes a cover page (page 1), your response to the questions below (pages 2 & 3), and a reference page (page 4): What might be the basis for this suggestion? What does it mean to die with dignity? Might individuals view this differently depending on the stage of grieving they are experiencing? What factors may influence an individual's position regarding end of life? While hospice and palliative care assist patients and families face the end of life, often times these services are underutilized. How can the registered nurse work with or without these services to promote a dignified death?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
DYING WITH DIGNITY Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of Submission Dying With Dignity Dying with dignity is a common term used by health professionals to ensure that terminally ill people in their care die with dignity. This leads to claims that, lives without dignity should be ended by means of withdrawal or withholding a life preserving treatment or direct administration of some life-ending treatment. This is an advocacy for non-voluntary euthanasia for severely ill although it is unclear how death either induced or natural, adds dignity to an undignified life. The other claim of euthanasia is that people should be allowed to make choice necessary to procure death with dignity (Allmark, 2002). This is a claim for those advocating for assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia. This is a condition claiming that palliative treatment is insufficient to ensure death with dignity thus calling for euthanasia (Allmark, 2002). Palliative care is the care that is offered to a person diagnosed with an illness that will end their life. Although it is not all people who die require palliative care, the health professional are expected to have expertise care to a person as their life nears its end. Taking care of physical symptoms such as pain is essential for comfort as well as caring the person emotionally, socially and spiritually (Byock, 2010). This ensures that people die in better circumstances than ever before because no one die suffering needlessly (O'Connor & Lee, 2008). This is a fulfillment that majority of dying people are assured to die without pain comfortably and with dignity (Byock, 2010 &Allmark, 2002). The palliative care skills encompasses the very end of life and thus, are valuable to assisting people with management of symptoms, social support and counseling at any stage of their illness. Patients are independent with the best quality of life as possible since there is an opportunity for assessment of needs interventions with the illness. Patients have the right to make informed decisions regarding the medical treat...
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