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Individual Action Plan: Understanding Adolescent Mental and Physical Health

Essay Instructions:

as per the Individual Action Plan Grading Rubric, see Appendix G.
Note: TWO relatable goals are required for this assignment.
Utilize the resources found at CNO.org, 2020 QA Program, which include videos, slides, FAQs, and documents detailing the purpose of practice reflection and goal creation as part of the CNO’s Quality Assurance plan.
You will create a CNO Action Plan following the CNO expectations for evidence of annual Quality Assurance, incorporating only two (2) SMART learning
goals related to nursing skills, knowledge and/or application that you believe will contribute to your nursing abilities in Canada.
In a Word document create your Action Plan using the following headings:
1. Learningneeds
• Create a statement that identifies the reasoning for pursuing both
your nursing-related goals, with 2-3 learning needs for each goal. 2. Learninggoals
• Create two SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based) goals related to nursing skills, knowledge and/or application that you believe will contribute to your nursing abilities in Canada.
3. Activities and time frame to achieving the goals
• List 5-10 step-by-step actions you must take to achieve each goal.
4. How do my goals support my commitment to continuing competency?
5. Evaluationofchanges/outcomestomypractice
• Provide a list of ways (measurements) which will demonstrate that
you have achieved your goal.
You must identify the following four core competencies, and bold or highlight them in your Action Plan, in the relevant sections they apply for your Action Plan:
This is an individual assignment, due in Week 8. You will complete an Action
Plan that follows the section titles contained in the fillable College of Nurses of
Ontario (CNO) Action Plan form (template), found at cno.org.
• Entry to Practice
• Change in Practice
• Interprofessional Care • Evaluation
COURSE NAME: Nursing in Ont

Essay Sample Content Preview:
QA Program Learning Plan form
Collection of Personal Information
Please review the Privacy Policy on the College of Nurses of Ontario’s (CNO) website (/privacy) to understand how your personal information will be used.



Registration Number



QA Year




Current Practice Setting

Client Population

Learning needs
What learning needs did I identify through Practice Reflection? Don’t forget to review your learning needs with a colleague to get their input.

FORMTEXT The learning needs I identified through Practice Reflction relate to substance abuse prevention and treatment; promoting mental health and preventing mental illness; as well as improving good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight as elements of an individual's overall health and well-being.

To identify your learning needs, reflect on: your practice, changes to legislation and your practice setting. The areas where you can improve are your learning needs. Need help to reflect? Use CNO’s Practice Reflection worksheet.

Learning goal #1
My goal must be based on my learning needs and be specific and measurable.


After creating your learning goal, review and choose a practice document (practice standard or guideline) that relates to your goal.
Choose a practice document :

FORMTEXT Learn and demonstrate proficiency in preventing and treating substance abuse among adolescents and young adults.     

Goal #1: Activities and timeframes
How am I going to achieve my goal? Identify a minimum of three (3) specific learning activities with timeframes and timelines.

FORMTEXT 1. By end of December, I will finish reading the "Clinical Best Practice Guidelines - Engaging Clients Who Use Substances".
2. By end of February, I will finish a literature review of peer-reviewed articles on the subject using the PubMed and Elsevier databases.
3. By June, I will contact the regional representative of CADCA in my area and request for support and collaboration as I conduct a small survey on ways to prevent and treat substance abuse among adolescents and young adults in the area.

Learning goal #2
My goal must be based on my learning needs and be specific and measurable.

FORMTEXT Learn and demonstrate proficiency in promoting mental health and preventing mental illness in the community.    

After creating your learning goal, review and choose a practice document (practice standard or guideline) that relates to your goal.
Choose a practice document :

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