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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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The Importance of Reaction Paper

Essay Instructions:

A response paper is your analysis and interpretation of the readings. It’s a reaction to the sum of the reading, not a summary of what we read. Look for themes, make connections. Write thoughtfully and specifically. How do the readings contribute to your thinking about the issues? Do you feel the author presents a clear depiction of the issue? How do they respond to or challenge your opinions, class discussions, or to other readings.

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Read Response
Read Response
Response paper gives a chance for one to express his/her owns views about a film, an essay, or a book. It gives on an opportunity to provide personal reaction and impression to work. One should not feel shy to express his/her opinions in the set paper even when it seems to be awkward. The article will feature a response of three selected readings.
In 6 Things I would ask the Presidential Candidate about Food and Farming, David Corn writes about the questions that the author could ask given a chance of moderating the debate to be held before the 2016 presidential elections. In my opinion, the author is good at providing the right questions to the presidential candidates. He starts by giving a broad aspect of the issue and the need to address the issue of food and farming. The audience can get a picture as to why the candidate needs to answer and resolve the issue once elected in office.
The author is successful in making me feel as if he was in the debate facing the two presidential candidates by writing as if it is a reality. Additionally, the writer seems to have facts from previous researches and experiences that the country had. I was especially moved by the last question where David Corn addresses to the candidates standing in on behalf of the low-class people.
In the text, F.D.A Finishes Food Labels for How We Eat, Sabrina Tarvanise talks about changes that were made concerning nutrition labels on food labels. Mitchel Obama announced the changes and the ruling seemed intact where every industry had no option than to comply. From the paper, it is clear that the author gave suggestions from different people to show how people reacted after the ruling. In my opinion, the verdict is fair in that it is likely to reduce the number of indi...
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