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Concrete Operational Stage in Piaget’s Theory of Development

Essay Instructions:

Piaget: Concrete Operational Stage

According to Piaget the concrete operational child is able to use logic. However, logic is still limited to concrete events. It will typically take five more years until children become able to think and reason about abstract and hypothetical events.
Describe and explain new skills seriation, classification, class inclusion, transitive inference and horizontal decalage) that indicate concrete operational thinking. Give examples of each. Piaget says the concrete operational child is less egocentric. What does this mean and what are the implications for behavior? According to Piaget how do cognitive changes affect moral reasoning? How should this inform education and learning?

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Concrete Operational Stage in Piaget’s Theory of Development
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Child development is one of the most important aspects in our lives. At a certain stage in our lives, we have gone through the stage of development. It is through this stages of development that human beings learn various skills in life. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, he highlights that the concrete operational stage comes the third stage in the development of a child and it is at this stage that a child begins to develop a logical thoughts. The stage is important since it makes a transition between the earlier stages of development and the coming stages where kids will begin to develop thinking ability. Nevertheless, the kids still struggle with abstract ideas in their lives at this stage. There are different strategies that can be used to indicate concrete operational thinking in the development of a child such as skills seriation, classification, class inclusion, transitive inference and horizontal decalage.
Seriation skills refers to the ability of the children to arrange objects in a particular order according to their characteristics such as their size, their location or their position. The skills are a foundation for understanding in mathematics CITATION Sax15 \l 1033 (Saxe, 2015). For instance, you can give the kids cubes that are of various sizes and inform them to arrange them from the smallest to the largest. The kids who have an understanding on arranging them from the smallest to the largest and they are at a good position of understanding basic mathematics such as why 7 is higher than 4 and 30 is higher than 10. Classification also comes in as a skill and it is the ability of the child to structure the objects in the order of their hierarchy CITATION Dem16 \l 1033 (Demetriou, Andreas, Shayer, & Efklides, 2016). It comes after seriation since the child is now able to differentiate what is bigger from what is small. Inclusion also helps the child to understand that something is par...
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