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The Importance of Integration of Research-inclusive Policies in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Please write 2 responses after reading the 2 people's post about 150 word length each. I attached file of 2 people's post

 S.G’s post

"The greatest benefits of EBP are improved outcomes for patients, providers and healthcare agencies." (Grove, 2015, p.416)  This is why it is vital that healthcare facilities incorporate research-based policies and procedures in patient care. One way evidence based practice has been utilized in my unit of Mother/Baby is through the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI).  "The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international program developed in 1991 by WHO and UNICEF.  It focuses on how health-care providers can support breastfeeding and feeding practices, which are major contributors of positive health outcomes for women and children." (TBFI, 2014, p. 26)  The group of lactation nurses in our hospital reviewed research studies determining if BFHI practices were beneficial to promoting breast feeding and determined that they were.  There are ten steps outlined in the BFHI including rooming in 23 hours per day while the patient/baby are in the hospital, skin to skin contact immediately after birth and as much as possible in the postpartum period, and 8 other steps that impact breastfeeding success.  The lactation nurses educated the mother/baby nurses on our unit with research studies, evidence of success and practices the nurses would need to promote.  While the transition to BFHI was difficult, it has improved breastfeeding rates and allows our patients to benefit from evidence based care. "Families who receive care at a BFI-designated maternity facility will be assured of consistent evidence-based information, education and skill from all health-care providers.  Baby-Friendly designation is an assurance to families of best practice policies, procedures and guidelines implemented to support the WHO recommendation of exlusive breastfeeding." (TBFI, 2014, p. 26)

E. H’s post

 The impact that Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) has made throughout nursing is amazing. The benefit it has brought to our patients is even better. This has allowed us to deliver effective, safe, and efficient nursing care. ”EBP is aimed at hardwiring current knowledge into common care decisions to improve care processes and patients outcomes (Stevens 2013). One major area that we are focusing on in my current workplace is infection control, more specifically decreasing the rates of Central Line- Associated Bloodstream Infections. Besides using Bundles when doing central line dressing changes, using our alcohol impregnated protective caps (Curos) at the end of the needless connectors; we are now incorporating the cleaning of high-touch surface areas: bed rails, over-bed table and intravenous pump and poles twice a day using disinfectant wipes. It was found that contaminated environmental surfaces, contaminated equipment, and contaminated hands of healthcare workers all have been linked to the transmission of several pathogens. “Finding suggests that “high –touch” (i.e., frequently touched) surfaces in the immediate vicinity of a patient may be a reservoir for nosocomial pathogens and that these pathogens are transmitted directly or indirectly by the hands of healthcare workers” (Huslage, Rutala, Bennet, & Weber 2010 pg. 850).



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Responding to Articles
Article 1
The author starts by talking of ways health agencies improve the results of their patients. To expound on this, the article expresses the importance of integration of research-inclusive policies in health cares among other key procedures like the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) to improve patient’s care. The initiatives are key in proficient health administration as health personnel offer improved services such as better feeding practices that help mothers and children in gaining positive health. In addition, the policies stipulate a ten-step procedure that in 23 hours daily to improve both the health of the mother and the offspring after birth.
The article educates both lactating mothers and the nurses who attend them on the best health practices. The families under BFHI program get consistent education and better and new breastfeeding skills from lactation experts. In conc...
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