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The Impact of Parental Decision Regarding Vaccination and their Children's Health

Essay Instructions:

Choose two research articles published by a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal on a current health care issue in the United States, controversial or otherwise.
Suggested topics may include:
A study of vaccinations and autism rates
Maternal health, fetal health, or elder health
Disease-based studies, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease
The increasing rates of caesarean sections in birthrates
Managed health care in the United States
Any of the leading Health Indicator topics (2020 LHI Topics) profiled in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Healthy People 2020 initiative website
Part One
Complete the attached "Article Comparison Table" to compare the two articles in terms of content, research methods, focus of the study, target audiences and subjects, and their possible impacts on the future of health care delivery.
Part Two
Write a 500-750 words analysis that includes the following:
A summary of the topic you chose with rationale. (This may have personal significance to you or it may be a topic of particular interest that you have seen in the news.)
An explanation of the significance of the two research studies to health care delivery in the United States.
A description of the major functions provided by research and data monitoring of health care delivery in the United States.
Identification of potential environments within health care delivery appropriate to research and data monitoring.
Your assessment of the impact of the studies in your chosen articles in regards to health care delivery, incorporating and expanding on the information you provided in Part One. Were the studies intended to change or influence health care delivery? If so, how? If not, what are the implications of each study for health care delivery?
Your assessment of the role the allied health professional plays, or could play, in research and data monitoring of health care delivery in the United States.
Attach the "Article Comparison Table" to your written analysis and submit as one document.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparison of Research Articles: Vaccinations and Autism Rates
Comparison of Research Articles: Vaccinations and Autism Rates
Although vaccination coverage remains high in most countries, parents are concerned about the effects of vaccines among children. Some parents associate certain vaccines with increased rates of autism. Research evidence proves that MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella are unrelated to autism. Instead, research reveals that autism is caused by changes in diagnostic criteria (Pearce, Mindlin, Cortina-Borja, & Bedford, 2013).This paper presents a comparison of two articles highlighting the impact of parental decision regarding vaccination.
Part One: Article Comparison Table
CriteriaArticle OneArticle TwoCitation
Include the APA reference note.Esposito, S., Principi, N., & Cornaglia, G. (2014). Barriers to the vaccination of children and adolescents and possible solutions. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 20(s5), 25-31.
DOI: 10.1111/1469-0691.12447Gross, K., Hartmann, K., Zemp, E., & Merten, S. (2015). ‘I know it has worked for millions of years’: the role of the ‘natural’in parental reasoning against child immunization in a qualitative study in Switzerland. BMC public health, 15(1), 1. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1716-3
Content Summary
Craft a 100-150 word summary of the articleThe article talks about the benefits of vaccination, stating that the incidences of vaccine preventable diseases have drastically reduces. The article review some of the barriers affecting children and adolescents caused by the national health system, service providers and parents and further discuss ways of overcoming these barriers. The article acknowledges the fact that limited vaccination coverage among children is caused by lack of understandings among parents and health care providers.Parental hesitation to vaccinate their children has limited efforts to increase immunization coverage against childhood disease. The article presents several literatures revealing the link between social and political factors and shifts in conceptual structures being responsible for shaping parent decision concerning vaccination. The article analyzes how parent in other countries defend their actions toward immunization against childhood diseases like measles.
Research Methods
Describe the methods used, including tools, systems, etc.The research used a systematic review of various published literatures related to various child hood diseases; the article presents recent surveys conducted in Europe in 2012 to 2013. The article highlights findings from several studies that investigated barriers to immunization.
One notable example is the MMR vaccine used to prevent autism and hepatitis B vaccines. These are the two frequently feared vaccinations by parents because of safely concernsThe research used a qualitative approach, with a total of 32 semi-structured interviews conducted among parent with children between 0 to 16 years who made the decision not to fully immunize their children. The interviews explored parent’s perceptions and their attitudes towards immunization.Focus of the Research or Study
Describe the design of the relevant research or study in the article.The focus of the study is on health care providers and parents attitudes towards certain vaccines .the research urges health care providers to establish immunization approaches that involves parental concerns and will also address any misconceptions.
The research focused on parents mostly in Switzerland where the notion of natural a healthy lifestyle has influence vaccination decisions among parents. vaccination depends on parent’s initiative
Target Audiences and Subjects
Identify the target audience (population) and the setting in which the research/study was conducted.The research subjects are children and adolescents who are at a higher risk of developing vaccine preventable diseases due to their parent’s attitude and limited knowledge concerning the benefits of these vaccines. The target audience comprises of parents and health care providers who are the main barriers. The research analyzed literatures from Europe, US, New Zealand and Italy.
The target audience for this research is children between 0 to 16 years who are at risk of developing vaccine preventable diseases. The research focus on Switzerland because of the recent outbreaks of preventable diseases.
Potential Impact on Future Health Care Delivery
Propose how this information could or will impact future health care delivery or options.The article acknowledges the fact that increasing vaccination coverage is difficult due to numerous barriers, through combined efforts between health care systems and health care providers and the community improving vaccination coverage can be achieved.
Other countries like Switzerland vaccination coverage is determined by parent’s decisions to take these children to private pediatrician. According to the authors, well-informed parent make better health decisions for their children based on their own assessment compared to expert recommendation alone. In future to address preventable diseases like measles among children and adolescence should address emerging lifestyle trends like “the natural way of life” a popular notion adopted by many parents to increase vaccination coverage .
Part 2: Summary of Vaccinations and Autism Rates
Several research findings highlight various misconceptions concerning vaccin...
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