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Implementation Plan: Logistics and Resources Needed

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Please see attachment , use article that are 5 years old or less and must be peer reviewed. We can use some of the article selected for literature review for the capstone project this is a continuation putting all together regard the total knee replacement use of heparin in prevention of deep venous thrombosis vs mechanical devices. Thank you very much.

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Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
The purpose of this paper is to provide an implementation plan considering the population, in which the solution is intended, the personnel that will partake, as well as the main contributors that have to provide approval and/or support for my project to be carried out. This implementation plan covers the method that would be used to obtain the necessary approvals and securing support from the leadership of the healthcare organization and my colleagues therein. It also contains detailed description of the current problem, comprehensive explanation of the proposed solution, and rationale as to why the proposed solution was selected. Furthermore, this implementation plan provides a description of the implementation logistics, as well as the resources needed for implementation.
Method of obtaining approvals and securing support
It is notable that for this project to be successful, support from the key stakeholders who in this case include the administration of the hospital and colleagues at the workplace including the healthcare team members such as physicians, nurses and assistants is crucial. These key stakeholders are essential given that they have to approve and/or support the project for it to be carried out. Together with adults who have undergone Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery, also understood as Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), the healthcare team members and the management of the healthcare organization comprise the audiences of this project. Support would be obtained from these key contributors by making clear to them the justification and basis for the proposed solution, as well as the reasons why it is essential and needed in the hospital. In essence, the hospital’s managers and leadership, as well as physicians, nurses and assistants would be informed about the value of change and the way that the healthcare organization is going to benefit as a result of the change. It is noteworthy that low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is effective in the prevention of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) following total knee replacement. The use of LMWH is more effective relative to other therapies such as mechanical prophylaxis in preventing DVT. The prevention of deep-vein thrombosis is of considerable importance given that it will save the patients substantial medical costs and help enhance the quality of life of the patient (Blanchard et al., 2010).
Other than enlightening the management of the healthcare institution in addition to physicians, nurses and assistants about the potential benefit of the proposed change, they will also be encouraged to express their concerns, if there are any, about the proposed change which would be addressed in an adequate, unambiguous and explicit manner (Lane, 2010). Basically, there would be less chance of resistance to the proposed change when all their worries about the proposed change are overtly and amply addressed, when staffs are sufficiently involved and consulted, and when they are properly informed about the justification for the change. As such, they will without doubt approve that change and support it. Consulting and involving all staff members during the project will ensure that they all have the feeling of involvement and ownership of the project, something that will increase the chance of them accepting the proposed the change.
Description of current problem
For this project, the problem that has been identified is adults who have undergone Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery developing Deep-Vein Thrombosis (DVT) after the surgical procedure. The use of Low Molecular Weight Heparin is proposed in preventing deep-vein thrombosis after the TKR surgery versus mechanical devices. Venous thromboembolism (VTE), which usually manifests clinically as pulmonary embolism (PE) and DVT, is the most common grave complication following major orthopedic surgery of the lower extremities (Giannoni et al., 2009). Total Knee Replacement is linked to a major risk of getting DVT, as well as pulmonary embolism. Complications for the period of, and after TKR are common and could be prevented with careful surgical technique, as well as with attentive postoperative management. The development of DVT with the potential of propagating a potentially deadly pulmonary embolism is essentially the most dreaded complication of total knee replacement. At present, the incidence of deep-vein thrombosis after TKR with no prophylaxis ranges from 40% to 88% (Warwick, 2012). PE and DVT are major causes of mortality and morbidity and they have a moderately high prevalence amongst patients who have been hospitalized. The medically significant risk factors for the development of deep-vein-thrombosis are obesity, being above the age of 40 years, previous history of DVT, heart failure, major surgery, malignancy, nephritic syndrome or prolonged immobility. Presently, anticoagulant prophylactic treatments including recombinant, warfarin, low-dose heparin, as well as LMWHs are recommended. However, the frequency of venographically deep-vein thrombosis still ranges from 16 percent to 30 percent. The development of low-molecular-weight heparins has added a new aspect to the medical management of thrombotic disorders. Low-molecular-weight heparins are made by the chemical or enzymatic depolymerization of standard heparin.
Explanation of proposed solution and rationale for selecting the proposed solution
The proposed solution is the use of low-molecular-weight heparin in preventing deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) after TKR surgery. The rationale is that 5000 units everyday or once a day subcutaneous injection of heparin in a weight-adjusted, fixed dosage scheme is better and much superior to mechanical prophylaxes for thromboprophylaxis following total knee replacement (Blanchard et al., 2010). In essence, one injection of LMWH daily for a period of 10 days is a convenient method that can be used to prevent DVT in patients who have undergone TKR or total knee replacement (Lane, 2010). This LMWH medication will cost $76.99 per unit. At present, the hospital uses mechanical methods which cost $169.99 per unit which is very much costly relative to LMWH. If t...
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