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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Impact and Budget of Pressure Ulcers Prevention in Patients within Healthcare Facilities

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:
1. Add a page for abstract.
1. Identify stakeholders that will be impacted by the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients within healthcare facilities.
2. Identify and discussed resources including budget needed to implement the Prevention of pressure ulcers in patients within healthcare facilities
3. Develop an action plan for change including a proposed implementation time line for the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients within healthcare facilities.
Essay formatted and cited per current APA style and Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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Pressure injuries are common in patients who are admitted to healthcare facilities. The patients who have an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers are the elderly population, impaired individuals, and immobile patients. Pressure ulcer prevention is an important aspect of quality care in healthcare facilities because of its impact on a patient’s life span, psychological and emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life. The main stakeholders involved in pressure ulcer prevention in healthcare facilities are medical professionals (nurses, residents, physicians, nutritionists, etc.), hospital staff, primary caregivers, and the patient. A holistic and multidisciplinary approach is required to ensure that pressure injuries will be prevented. Prevention is crucial because better health outcomes are demonstrated when proper prevention strategies are implemented. The interventions that are part of the pressure ulcer prevention program are risk assessment, routine skin inspection and care, proper diet and nutrition, turning clock routine, positioning and bed mobility, and patient and family education.
The stakeholders involved in pressure ulcer prevention in patients within healthcare facilities are the following: nurses, nursing assistants, physical therapists, residents, attending physicians, hospital staff, primary caregivers, and the patients themselves.
The resources that are needed to implement an effective pressure ulcer prevention project are human resources, medical supplies and equipment, time, and finances (Gefen, 2018).
The human resources are the medical and hospital staff that are involved in patient care. The specialty of the professionals that are included in the team collaboration is vital in providing a holistic intervention program for the patient. The staff is vital in-patient care and in the whole process of the program, including staff and patient education, hospital training, needs assessment, and program development.
The supplies and equipment are important...
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