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Duties and Responsibilities of a Pharmacist toward a Patient

Essay Instructions:



Read the article in the required reading, “The Medicine Shoppe v. Loretta Lynch, et al.: Pharmacists and prescribing physicians are equally liable” as well as the Pharmacists Code of Ethics at the following link: https://aphanet(dot)pharmacist(dot)com/code-ethics?is_sso_called=1

Discuss the following:

Identify and discuss the duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist toward a patient.

Provide the details of the assigned case. Based upon your research and assessment of the case, did the pharmacist perform the required duties and uphold patient rights?

Is the pharmacy at fault? Why or why not?

What impact can a pharmacist’s actions have on patients and community? Consider the current opioid crisis facing our nation in your answer; cite reliable sources in your discussion.

What precautions can be taken to ensure these types of incidents by allied professionals don’t happen to others? Should there be more regulations in place? Support your discussion with reliable sources.

Length: Submit a 3-page paper, using headings to correspond with each question in the assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your writing. This should not be an opinion piece, but an analysis.

Avoid the use of first person in your paper.

Limit your response to a maximum of 3-5 pages.

Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Role of Health Professional
Due Date
The Role of Health Professional
Duties and Responsibilities of a Pharmacist toward a Patient
In order for pharmacists to help enhance the healthcare of all people, they are charged with several duties and responsibilities toward patients. The first one is to ensure that their patients achieve the best or get the best from the medications they receive. To achieve this feat, they must build and maintain the trust of their patients (APhA, 2021). Secondly, pharmacists are also charged with the promotion of the well-being of all patients (APhA, 2021). Pharmacists must ensure that they respond to the needs of patients confidentially. They must not disclose to other people any personal information shared by their patients. Pharmacists must also ensure that they respect their patients and their independence (APhA, 2021). Pharmacists must ensure that they communicate with their patients and respect their autonomy throughout their interaction with them.
It is also crucial to note that pharmacists have to ensure that they are enhancing their professional competence (APhA, 2021). This is indeed a duty and responsibility owed to the patients because they should be given the best every time they visit their pharmacist. Therefore, the pharmacist’s work is to ensure that they are well aware of the new technologies and medications that can help their patients. Lastly, a pharmacist needs to know that they serve the needs of the individual, the community, and society. Therefore, they should give their best at all times and ensure their patients get the best.
Details of the assigned case. The pharmacist did not perform the required duties and uphold patient rights
In the case under study, a physician whose conduct was questionable and under investigation issued prescriptions that were later discovered to not be for a legitimate medical purpose (Jeffrey, 2016). Under the physician’s request, the pharmacy issued the drugs to patients only to discover that the physician was flagged for possible drug diversion. The pharmacy insisted that they did their due diligence by calling and inquiring about the prescriptions from the physician’s office. However, the DEA claimed that the pharmacy failed to “exercise their corresponding responsibility, along with the physician” to ensure that whatever prescription they are issuing is indeed legitimately for medical purposes (Jeffrey, 2016).
Upon assessing the case at hand, the pharmacy did not perform the required duties and uphold patients’ rights. One of the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists is to ensure that they value and respect other colleagues’ abilities within the healthcare sector. A pharmacist should know that, at times, healthcare professionals differ in their assessment of patients. These differences should not in any way interfere with the care that patients receive. Therefore, the pharmacists ought to have honored their covenantal relationships with their patients and ensured that they are getting the best care from the medications they issue.
The pharmacy at fault
Yes, the pharmacy is at fault. From the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists, it is clear that a pharmacist must ensure that the care of patients comes first. The goal should always be to ensure that patients get the best care possible. Therefore, the pharmacists ought to have done their due diligence and conducted their own investigation.
Also, the pharmacy ought to have abstained from behavior that impaired professional judgment. From the details of the case, the pharmacy indicates that it has known the ...
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