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External Factors Affecting Healthcare Delivery System

Essay Instructions:

Select one large hospital in your geographic area or one that is nationally known for its service excellence. Some examples are Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland; Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio; Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts; or Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. You may use the organization’s website, latest annual report, or other reports found on their website, to locate information needed for this task.

A. Discuss how one historic legislative, social, or economic event impacted the growth of your chosen hospital.

Note: The historic, legislative, social, or economic event should be based in the local community.

B. Discuss how a service provided by your chosen hospital impacts access to healthcare and the quality of health in the community.

C. Examine trends and emerging technological developments of your chosen hospital by doing the following:

1. Analyze the impact that your chosen hospital ’s health information technology has on its healthcare delivery.

2. Analyze how your chosen hospital uses emerging technology to support its projects or initiatives.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

External Factors Affecting Healthcare Delivery System (Johns Hopkins Hospital)
Institution Affiliation
External Factors Affecting Healthcare Delivery System (Johns Hopkins Hospital)
Growth of the Hospital
Johns Hopkins hospital's origin was based on a Johns Hopkins death. He left his fortunes for the local community and trustees to establish a hospital to help the needy in Baltimore in 1889 (Miller, 2021b). The process brought together different physicians and pathologists to develop the hospital. The central vision was to advance and meet the needs of the local community. The main social element that impacted Johns Hopkins' growth is the incorporation of women in medical activities. Initially, women were excluded in the Baltimore health community due to the family role in society. However, the creation of Johns Hopkins integrated all the genders in the hospital and equally gave women a chance to deliver high-quality health (Miller, 2021b). Gender equality is a primary social consideration that impacted the growth of Johns Hopkins since it brought together different company elements to sustain the hospital's growth. Gender equality also impacted the growth of Johns Hopkins by creating a positive image of the hospital and mobilizing different resources that stimulated its overall growth. The community saw Johns Hopkins as a hospital that focuses on promoting health and considering other social factors. Therefore, the event of incorporating women into the Hospital system enhanced its growth.
Service Provided by Johns Hopkins Hospital and Impacts in Healthcare
The critical service that Johns Hopkins provides heavily impacting healthcare access and quality of community healthcare is a volunteer service that offers training and counseling to the community members on health safety and security (Miller, 2021a). The service is done annually across Baltimore and goes for approximately one to two weeks. It is vital since it allows the community to access healthcare easily. The hospital implements the service through special community training programs, health affairs, and public forums. Additionally, the hospital offers a volunteer cancer screening service to identify different community members who are highly exposed to cancer issues. It allows the hospital to detect cancer as early as possible and reduce its adverse impacts on the community. The service is necessary for different vulnerable populations, especially those below the poverty line. It also benefits the population who can not easily access the hospital's premises due to others. The service enables the hospital to access d...
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