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2 pages/≈550 words
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Is It Illegal to Self-Prescribe or Prescribe for Family Members

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3-page paper on the topic. The paper should include:

• Introduction

• Background

• Drug table (if applicable)

• Literature search/analysis

• Conclusions

• References (at least 3 journal articles)

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Is It Illegal to Self-Prescribe or prescribe to Family Members
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Is It Illegal to Self-Prescribe or Prescribe to Family Members
The legality of self-prescribing and prescribing to family members is a debate influenced by practitioners' culture and perceptions. Many acknowledge that these practices are common among licensed practitioners but doubt whether they are embedded in the laws governing physicians. Although these laws vary from state to state or country to country, the general perspective is that it is not illegal for physicians to prescribe drugs for themselves or their families. However, treating oneself or one's family may be unethical, unprofessional, and grounds for General Medical Council (GMC) investigation.
Most practitioners, at some point in their career, have been compelled to treat themselves or family members with whom they have a personal relationship. Providing quality care in the context of a personal relationship may be challenging due to distress in defining and maintaining professional boundaries (Mir et al., 2020). It affects a physician's medical judgment, making them unable to conduct sensitive examinations, gather detailed history, or fully explain treatment options (Murad et al., 2019). Although self-treatment or treatment of an individual outside of a valid physician-patient relationship is both a legal and ethical question, the moral perspective of this issue outweighs the legal viewpoint.
Literature Search/Analysis
Studies found that self-prescribing and prescribing medications to families and friends is legal in many countries and states (Mir et al., 2020). However, doctors are advised to desist from such actions unless they are encountering a minor health condition or an emergency situation where no other qualified physician is available (Murad et al., 2019). The morality or professionalism behind self-treatment is what raises concern. Code of Medical Ethics is one of the primary sources in defining a physician's ethical behavior. The American Medical Association (AMA) code of ethics generally discourages practitioners from ...
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