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Urinary Tract Infection in Older Adult

Essay Instructions:

I am including the assignment that you completed to hope it will help with the assignment for the Lesson Plan Template.
Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

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Subject/Unit: Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adult

Assumed prior knowledge: Trainees are students who may have had some knowledge on the subject based on their previous classes as nursing students

Introduction: The class will start by asking the students to introduce themselves and give a brief background about themselves. The introduction part is meant to be a warm-up activity and make students active in class. The students will then be asked to contribute to what they know about UTIs and their risk factors among the elderly. This exercise aims to determine what level of knowledge the students have on the topic.

List of Material/Resources: Textbooks, Journals, peer-reviewed articles, and reputable medical websites that talk about the issue. PowerPoint presentations and handouts will also be utilized in this course.

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to determine the leading causes of urinary tract infection at the end. They will also be able to identify the risk factors of urinary tract infection and how the disease is diagnosed.

Standards Addressed: The National Health Education Standards (NHS) will be used in this unit because of its ability to promote and support students across the nation.

Teaching methods: The teaching methods will include giving notes assigning students assignments and exams to identify their areas of strength and weakness.

Guided Practice – The students will be required to write essays on different scenarios of dealing with a person that has a UTI.

Independent Practice – The students will work on this concept independently and sometimes with partners/groups.

Closure – The class will end by allowing students to ask questions about areas that they did not understand.

Learning Assessment: The learning assessment will include tests and assessing the students' homework.

Learning Reflections: How have the students performed in their homework and exams?

Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adult

Risk Factors

Several risk factors have led to an increase in older adults affected by urinary tract infection (UTI). One of the leading causes of UTIs is being sexually active. However, there are other reasons why a person can be infected by Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Being sexually active is key in making people infected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). The elderly are also at a high risk of getting UTIs because of the devices inserted into their urinary tract to help them urinate. As people get older, the higher the chances that they will need some device that will aid them in discharging fluid from their bodies. Such instruments are often inserted in the urethra and may cause infection if not used well (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2017). As a result, the elderly tend to be among at-risk people from UTIs.

The elderly are also at risk of getting urinary tract infections compared to other members of society because of blockage of the urethra. The urethra is supposed to be free from obstruction to make it easy for a person to urinate. However, as a person gets old, there is an increased chance of having urethra blockage. Some of the causes of the blockage are prostate enlargement and kidney stones. People have a high chance of getting kidney stones or having enlarged prostrates as they grow old. Finally, the elderly are at an increased risk of getting UTIs because of their low immunity (Shallcross et al., 2020). The elderly are not physically active, which may affect their level of immunity. As a result, they are prone to getting diabetes and high blood pressure, some of the leading causes of UTIs.


Diagnosing the elderly suffering from UTIs has proved to be a significant challenge for many medical professionals because they are often presented to the hospital with atypical signs and symptoms of UTIs (Shallcross et al., 2020). Another factor that has made it hard for medical professionals to diagnose the elderly is asymptomatic bacteriuria in older adults. The asymptomatic bacteriuria is higher in older women aged 65 and above than women below 65. Furthermore, the elder has a high chance of getting a high-level reading of toxicity because of the antibiotics they are taking (Shallcross et al., 2020). However, despite these challenges, medical professionals have developed ways to diagnose the elderly suffering from UTIs accurately.

A medical professional can determine whether an older adult is suffering from a UTI by asking the patient about the symptoms. The urine can also be tested to determine the presence of bacteria, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Furthermore, one may choose to culture the patient's urine to determine whether there are any functional or anatomical causes of the disease—some of the tests used to determine how the urinary tract is working include urodynamics and diagnostic imaging. A urodynamic test helps identify how well the urinary tract is releasing urine. On the other hand, diagnostic imaging helps a medical professional determine if there are any blockages in the urinary tract.


People affected by UTIs can get pyelonephritis which severely affects the functioning of the kidney. A person that is affected by this condition may experience burning during urination, nausea, fever, and vomiting. Other symptoms include flank pain, mental changes, fatigue, shaking, and chills. If one gets these symptoms, one should immediately seek medical attention. If a person fails to seek medical attention early, there might be permanent damage to the kidneys (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Some permanent conditions can be manageable, while others can be deadly, especially if the infection gets into the bloodstream. The infection may also negatively affect women's reproductive health, leading to premature births.


Despite the severity of the condition, there are several ways that people can prevent the spread of the infection. One of the ways to avoid getting UTIs is by drinking a lot of water (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Water is critical to the body because it helps dilute the urine and remove any bacteria in the kidney. Secondly, it is essential to urinate when there is an urge rather than holding it in. Women are encouraged to wear loose-fitting clothes and cotton underwear to reduce the chances of infections. It is also advisable to avoid using perfumed products on the genitals and keep these areas clean (CDC, 2019). Another measure that can be taken, especially for women, is wiping themselves from front to back to avoid the spread of bacteria into their genitals. The elderly should get regular checkups to ensure they are not infected since it can be hard to detect the symptoms in this group of people.

Topic 2 Lesson Plan Template.

The Lesson Plan is designed to be an iterative assignment that will be completed in Topics 2-6. You will receive ongoing instructor feedback on your lesson plan. Be sure to incorporate this feedback prior to submitting the final iteration of your lesson plan in Topic 6. Refer to the assignment instructions and topic Resources as needed for each section.

For each topic assignment, complete the section as directed. Include the required references at the end of this template.

Topic 2 – Course Planning and Course Outcomes

Based on the approved course topic from Topic 1, complete the following:

1. Course title:

2. Describe the purpose of the course.

3. Explain how you determined a need for this course.

4. Describe the target audience:

5. Describe the classroom setting/environment for the course.

6. Course Outcomes (See table below).

The course outcomes state what learners will be able do upon completion of an entire course. For this section, develop 1-3 measurable and learner-centered course outcomes. Refer to Bloom's Taxonomy as needed for assistance.




Topic 3 – Learning Objectives

A measurable learning objective describes what learners can do upon completion of an activity or at the end of a single lesson/class lesson or class. Using Bloom's taxonomy, develop 4 measurable learning objectives that based are on the course outcomes you developed in Topic 2. One learning objective must reflect the affective domain.

Learning Objectives





In no more than 100 words, describe how concepts from the QSEN competencies, ANA standards, or professional organizations relevant to your course topic, are represented in the learning objectives.

Topic 4 – Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies

Develop one teaching strategy and activity for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The teaching strategies must be based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory. Provide an explanation for how each teaching strategy meets the needs of the target audience in your classroom setting/environment.

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies and Activities Explanation





Topic 6 – Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning

Select one assessment/evaluation method for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The assessment/evaluation methods must be based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory.

Learning Objectives Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning






Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lesson Plan
Topic 2 – Course Planning and Course Outcomes
Course Title: Urinary Tract Infection in Older Adult
Describe the purpose of the course: The purpose of the course is to establish why Urinary Tract Infections are prevalent in older adults and the risk factors, symptoms, and complications that make it a critical issue that should be understood extensively.
Explain how you determined a need for this course: The primary cause of UTIs is infection of the bladder (cystitis) and infection of the urethra (urethritis). Because of their anatomy, women are a higher risks of developing cystitis due to the short distance between the anus and urethral opening. The condition occurs when bacteria are transferred from the anus to the unrethra.
Describe the target audience: The target audience for the course is nursing trainees. These are nursing students who may have had some knowledge of the subject based on their previous classes in nursing school.
Describe the classroom setting/environment for the course: Thus, the classroom consists of nursing trainees with some background knowledge on the issues. The class has a maximum of 30 students and will operate based on high student engagement & involvement, authentic & purposeful learning, and efficient housekeeping.

Course Outcomes
1.Students will determine and understand the leading cause of UTI in older adults while establishing how risk factors for this population differ from other age sets like adults and teenagers. 2. Students will understand and describe UTI symptoms, diagnostic difficulties, and complications that may arise from it if not treated in time. 3. Students will understand and apply QSEN competencies and ANA standards as part of the discussion on UTIs in older adults and their broader implications on the nursing profession.
Topic 3 – Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives1.Understand the causes of UTIs in older adults. 2. Understand the risk factors that lead to UTIs in this population. 3. Understand the symptoms, diagnostic difficulties, and potential complications resulting from UTIs. 4.Understand how UTIs can be prevented among older adults. 5.Understand how to apply QSEN and ANA standards in handling older adults with UTIs.6.Understand the implications of QSEN and ANA standards in the nursing professionQSEN refers to Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. It consists of six competencies developed for pre-licensure and graduate nursing programs (Boswell et al., 2021). The six competencies include patient-centered care, collaboration & teamwork, evidence-based practice, safety, quality improvement, and informatics. Each of these dimensions has a role in the current plan. Informatics, for instance, provides information or data that supports evidence-based practice through collaboration and teamwork to improve the quality of care and safety of older adults with UTIs. On the other hand, ANA standards describe a competent level of professional behavior. It follows issues like ethics, communication, and cultural competencies that enhance patient-centered care.
Topic 4 – Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
Learning ObjectivesTeaching Strategies and Activities Explanation1.High-fidelity simulation The teaching strategy allows learners to imagine that they are in a r...
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