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Hunger and Global Environment Project

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Refer to the "Hunger and the Global Environment Project Overview," located in the Class Resources folder, for complete assignment instructions.
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Hunger and the Global Environment Project: Paper - Rubric

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Hunger and Global Environment Project
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Hunger and Global Environment Project
Hunger and food insecurity are serious issues both in the United States (US) and globally. In the US, the prevalence of food insecurity in 2019 before the pandemic was 10.5% and has not declined since then (US Department of Agriculture, 2022). This means that 13.8 million US households have to worry about access to sufficient nutritional food. In the world, as many as 811 million people in the same period had to worry about access to food (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2021). Many people, through local and global organizations, are helping to end hunger and food insecurity at local and global levels.
Physical findings that can be used in nutritional assessments include hair, eyes, nails, skin, and mouth, among others (Whitney & Rolfes, 2022). When hair appears dull, brittle, and loose or is falling out, it can be an indication of malnutrition. When eyes are dry, spotty, or have night blindness, it can be an indication of vitamin A deficiency. When they are red at the corners it can be an indication of deficiency of vitamin B and when the membrane is pale, it can be an indication of iron deficiency. Rigid nails can be an indication of protein malnutrition whereas brittle, pale, and spoon-shaped nails can be a sign of iron deficiency. Paleness of skin can also be a sign of iron deficiency while under-skin bleeding/bruising can be a sign of vitamin K and C deficiency. Poor wound healing can be a sign of vitamin C or zinc deficiency or severe acute malnutrition. Dry, rough, fatless skin can be a sign of vitamin A, Bs, and essential fatty acids deficiency. Bleeding gums and poor taste sensations can be signs of vitamin C and zinc deficiency, respectively, while a smooth tongue, dry/cracked lips, and sores in the corner of the lips can be a sign of vitamin B deficiency. Other physical signs include bowed legs indicating vitamin d deficiency, dementia/ peripheral neuropathy indicating vitamin B deficiency, and enlarged thyroid gland indicating iodine deficiency.
Organizations Addressing Local/ Global Hunger
Some of the organizations that address hunger include:
1 The World Food Program
The World Food Program (WFP) is the largest global humanitarian organization that was established in 1961 as an experiment aimed at providing food aid around the world (World Food Program, n.d.). Its mission is “saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies, and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. WFP is not a faith-based organization. It is affiliated with the United Nations and its work revolves around fighting global hunger to achieve zero hunger. Students can get involved in these humanitarian efforts through volunteerism which allows them to participate in the organizations’ different functional areas in regions they are most familiar with (World Food Program, n.d). They can sign up for volunteerism on the website.
2 Action against Hunger
Action against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization with the goal of creating better ways of addressing hunger in this lifetime (Action against Hunger, n.d.). Its mission is to end hunger and malnu...
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