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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Scope of Practice and Accountability of the Nursing Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Please include the following:

1. How has the role and scope of practice of the RN and EN changed over the past 20 years,? Provide at least three examples

2. Compare the standards of practice for RN and ENs, what are some of the key differences?

3. What does an RN and EN need to do to become registered with APHRA, what are the ongoing requirements that nurses need to maintain their registration?

4. What is the role of the nurse assistant, what activities can they perform in the workplace, What qualifications or experience do they need? How has the introduction of this new role affected the scope of practice of the RN?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Scope of Practice and Accountability of the Nursing Workforce
Australian nursing workforce is comprised of two levels of regulated qualified nurses, namely the Registered Nurses (RNs) and Enrolled Nurses (ENs), alongside the unregulated Assistants in Nursing (AINs) (McKenna et al., 2019). Each level operates within a stipulated scope of practice, with RNs ranking above ENs and AINs ranking lowest. Their duties revolve around health maintenance and protection, promotion and restoration, palliation, and rehabilitation (Wall et al., 2018). Over the past decade, the roles and scope of practice of RN and enrolled nurses (EN) have continued to change. The changes have brought positive results, including creating a diverse nursing workforce and more educated nurses.
Specific Changes in the role and scope of practice of the RN and EN in the last ten years
Changes in the past decade mean that roles and scope of practice among RN and EN are changing. First, with recent changes in education and technology, the scope of practice is expanding, with nurses becoming primary caregivers and not just assistants to doctors (McKenna et al., 2019). For example, today’s nurses are decision-makers and can often take the place of doctors, including making medical assessments and prescribing drugs (Blay & Smith, 2020). Secondly, changes and improvements mean that nurses now play a role in healthcare leadership. For example, nurses take advanced roles in leadership and have a voice in research and other key sectors. Thirdly, changes have seen the rise of specialty nursing competence and shared competence between professionals and authorized nurses. For example, medical administration has become a shared competence between RNs and doctors. With specialty nursing competence, today’s nurses can take on more specialized but complex roles such as removal of chest tubes and chemotherapy, among other roles.
The difference in Scope of Practice between RN and EN
The scope of practice for EN and RN are slightly different. The first difference is educational attainment, where ENs qualify by completing a one-to-two-year diploma course, whereas RNs, a three-year bachelor of commerce degree course (Endacott, 2018). Regarding the scope of practice, the general duty of RN in today's care includes practical hands-on duties such as comprehensive patient assessment and complex patient care, administering medicine, management roles, participation in education and research, and leadership (Blay & Smith,2020). All ENs work under RNs, with the scope of practice involving performing holistic assessments, assisting patients, first aid assistance, safety promotion, and other duties as directed by RN (Crevacore et al., 2019). 
Standards of practice for RN and ENs and Enrolment to APHRA in Australia
Standards of practice for both RN and EN include promoting person-centered and evidence-based supportive, therapeutic, curative, and palliative elements. They are expected to work professionally with patients, the community, and their families (Heywood & Laurence, 2018). Both EN and RN must constantly renew their general registration practice annually with APHRA. The ongoing requirement for one to register is that nurses, bot...
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