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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Human Pathophysiology: Hepatitis

Essay Instructions:

Write a comprehensive medical report on a disease we have studied up to this point. Be sure to include as much information as possible. It should contain all relevant medical history, testing/diagnostics, treatment options, and a recommended plan of action

Choose between hepatitis, appendicitis,

Or pancreatitis!

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Human Pathophysiology
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Human Pathophysiology
Over the years, most people have been experiencing varying health conditions. Even though there are many health conditions, one common one is hepatitis, which results from liver inflammation. Since the liver is a critical organ in the body, it filters blood, processes nutrients, and fights infections; individuals with hepatitis seek medical intervention to control this health condition. As a healthcare provider, I have attended a male patient named John who was having some symptoms that he could have hepatitis.
Over the years, John was engaging in heavy drinking, which weakened his immunity and affected the liver to some degree. Furthermore, John shared that his wife had previously been diagnosed with the same condition, which could be a risk factor since they regularly shared the meals, bowls, and utensils with her. Over some period, he has also been suffering from some symptoms. For example, he has been regularly experiencing bloating and pain in the belly area. Moreover, he has also been experiencing a loss of appetite for some time (Khatri, 2023). Besides he has also been experiencing weight loss, losing more than five kilograms within a week. Moreover, he has been having pale-colored stools that sometimes contain blood. He also had dark urine despite drinking plenty of water. Furthermore, he has been suffering from a series of nausea and vomiting. There have also been some instances where he has complained of fatigue. Besides, he had yellow marks on his skin.
Tests and diagnoses should be conducted to establish whether John has hepatitis. One of the physical exam that was conducted was to check whether he was having an enlar...
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