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How to Improve Communication Between Nurses and Nursing Assistants

Essay Instructions:

See Attached Documents. Utilize template and provided references to formulate the paper.

Introduction:  Provide a brief overview of the project addressing who, what, when, why, where, and how and the rationale for choosing the project. What evidence was there that change was needed? In addition: Summarize your findings from your literature review (expectation is that you located at least 3 journal articles on your topic which helped to form your approach to this project…list the 3 articles along with a summary of each article).    25 points

Nurses and C.N.A’s (certified nurse assistant) relationship and communication is vitally important for patient productivity. For many years now, the relationship between the two disciplines have display such a discord between the two profession. Within the many healthcare professionals’ nurses has worked with, nursing assistants are the most important individuals on the team because they’re our eyes and ears. High relational quality between nurses and nursing assistants is an important component of teamwork and patient safety culture. Nursing assistants is simply an extension of the nurse, and is meant to work together to produce efficiency. Nursing assistants work under the supervision of a nurse and perform duties that help patients as well as nurses with daily routines. However, poor communication between the two discipline may contribute to negative patient outcomes. This change project will outline how to improve communication between nurses and nursing assistants to help decrease conflict, maintain good flow of communication, displaying respect, and fostering collegiality.

Step 1 Establishing a Sense of Urgency:  List 3 things that you can do to create a sense of urgency around the change you would like to make.   5 points




Step 2 Create a guiding coalition:   Who on your team or from other areas should be part of the coalition to plan and implement the change?  In one or two sentences, list why you have chosen this person and what their role on the team should be.  (Use more rows if necessary).   10 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Planned Change Assignment
Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the project addressing who, what, when, why, where, and how and the rationale for choosing the project. What evidence was there that change was needed? In addition: Summarize your findings from your literature review (expectation is that you located at least 3 journal articles on your topic which helped to form your approach to this project…list the 3 articles along with a summary of each article). 25 points
A registered nurse has many roles and responsibilities; therefore, certified nurse assistants are meant to assist nurses in carrying out their duties. Hence, the collaboration of nurses and certified nurse assistants, or CNAs, is critical in patient care and serves as the foundation of healthcare services (Campbell, 2020; Campbell et al., 2021a, 2021b). However, their relationship has not been harmonious due to a variety of factors, including ineffective communication, which leads to poor quality of patient care services (Madden et al., 2017). Thus, this change project aims to improve nurses' and CNAs' communication to reduce misunderstandings, maintain a healthy communication flow, demonstrate respect, and foster comradeship. According to Farrell et al. (2022), an organization requires effective communication, and organizations can work to improve their communication.
Campbell, A., Layne, D., & Scott, E. (2021, February). Relational Quality of Registered Nurses and Nursing Assistants: Influence on Patient Safety Culture. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 189). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9020189.
The study emphasizes the importance of relational quality to patient safety. Relational quality will only be achieved when nurses and CNAs will work together. Thus, it is also important to provide them with training to help them develop their relationship quality.

Campbell, A. R., Kennerly, S., Swanson, M., Forbes, T., Anderson, T., & Scott, E. S. (2021). Relational Quality Between the RN and Nursing Assistant: Essential for Teamwork and Communication. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(9), 461- 467. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNA.0000000000001046.
The study stresses the importance of teamwork between nurses and CNAs. The study also identifies the collaboration of nurses and CNAs as the foundation of health care models. Moreover, the study identifies role confusion as one factor that affects teamwork and communication between nurses and CNAs.
Madden, C., Clayton, M., Canary, H. E., Towsley, G., Cloyes, K., & Lund, D. (2017). Rules of performance in the nursing home: A grounded theory of nurse–CNA communication. Geriatric nursing, 38(5), 378- 384.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2016.12.013.
Ineffective communication has proven to have negative outcomes. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy communication with other health care providers and family members. The study suggests performance rules that will help the CNAs to improve their communication skills. The study also reveals that teamwork between CNAs and nurses is important to provide better patient care.
Step 1 Establishing a Sense of Urgency: List 3 things that you can do to create a sense of urgency around the change you would like to make. 5 points
Raising awareness and educating nurses and CNAs on the value of effective communication will instill a sense of urgency. They will understand what the change is for once they know the purpose and desired outcome of the change. They will then be motivated to go through the change process because of their knowledge and assurance that it will benefit them.
Empowering and allowing the nurses and CNAs to partake in decision-making will also instill a sense of urgency. When empowered, they will complete their tasks with zeal and urgency and stand for what they think is right. And when they are given the opportunity to participate in decision-making, they will feel a sense of belonging, that their voice is heard, and it matters.
Instilling a sense of urgency can also be accomplished by modeling it. However, it is necessary to show urgency while remaining calm. When the nurses and CNAs notice that someone is acting urgently, they will follow this example.
Step 2 Create a guiding coalition: Who on your team or from other areas should be part of the coalition to plan and implement the change? In one or two sentences, list why you have chosen this person and what their role on the team should be. (Use more rows if necessary). 10 points
PersonRationaleRoleManagersThey are chosen because they serve as leaders who will help their people.The manager will be in charge of directing and guiding the nurses and CNAs. They will keep an eye on the changes and improvements and provide feedback as needed. They will also ensure that the desired result is obtained.NursesThey are chosen because they are the main participants in this project.The nurses are critical to the success of the change project. The nurses' attitude toward the change is important. They must be open to change and willing to go through the process.Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs)They are also chosen because they are the main participants in this project.The CNAs are as important as the nurses. They must also be able to fully cooperate and participate in this change project.TrainersThey are chosen because they have the required skill to achieve success.Trainers are important because they will teach nurses and CNAs the necessary skills and strategies for effective communication.SpeakersThey are chosen because they have the knowledge which they can share. The speakers will be in charge of sharing their insights and knowledge about the significance of proper communication and the relationship between nurses and CNAs.
Step 3 Develop a Vision: 10 points
1. Close your eyes and imagine what your work setting will be like once the change is implemented. Write this down in 3-5 sentences.
The work setting will be more efficient and productive because of the improved communication between the nurses and CNAs. The nurses will provide a comprehensive report to the nursing assistant to assist and care for the patient more effectively. They will be able to provide high rates of task completion, high levels of staff satisfaction, excellent patient care, and increased staff morale. Furthermore, they will reduce disputes, repetitive workloads, and even working hours. Thus, the change will be beneficial for everyone.
2. пЂ Discuss how the project fits with the organization's mission and strategic plan and vision. Refer specifically to these organizational documents.
The change project is heavily influenced by the vision statement stating that nursing provides collaborative and comprehensive patient-centered care services. Improving communication between nurses and nursing assistants requires a team effort to create a positive patient experience while also ensuring patient safety. Thus, it adheres to the organization's mission and vision.
3. Think about what opportunities you have on a daily basis to communicate this vision. What changes might you need to make in your own behavior to assure consistency with the vision? Can you anticipate any inconsistencies that might arise and how these can be explained?
The opportunities include frequently presenting during the working shift in the form of patient care, procedural examinations, staff meetings, and preceptorship. To effectively communicate this vision, I might change my behavior by practicing active listening, providing constructive feedback, and maintaining a consistent routi...
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