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How Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems Contribute to the Inflammatory Process

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“How do the circulatory and lymphatic systems contribute to the inflammatory process?”

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How do the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems Contribute to the Inflammatory Process?
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How the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems Contribute to the Inflammatory Process
Inflammation is the response of body tissues when exposed to dangerous stimuli like chemical damage, physical damage, antigens, and infectious agents. These stimuli may lead to acute and chronic inflammation, which affects the normal functioning of body organs and systems. Other than the high inflammatory cell permeation in inflamed tissues, studies conducted in recent years have depicted that both chronic and acute inflammatory processes are related to pronounced vascular remodeling (Aspelund et al.,2016). Inflammation is the general reaction of organisms against irritants and pathogens. During this process, the body eliminates pathogens and initiates the healing process. Therefore, inflammation helps in the formation of new vessels on the verge of restoring the body to normal functioning.
The inflammatory system has a synchronized pathway that works in coordination to ensure that the body is restored to normal functioning. The circulatory and lymphatic systems play important roles in the inflammation process. Once inflammation occurs, the inflammatory process begins where the white blood cells enter the tissues or blood in order to protect the body from harmful stimuli. This leads to an increase in the blood flow in the area of infection or injury, which causes warmth and redness. Some chemicals lead to fluid leakage into the body tissues, which results in swelling. The activated vascular endothelium contains E-selection, which plays a primary role in improving the relationship between the endothelium and the leukocytes (Yun et al.,2018). The lymphatic system plays a significant role in facilitating tissue fluid homeostasis. This occurs through the process of draining excess trapped fluids from the inflamed areas. Additionally, the lymphatic system plays the role of surveilling the immune system. This is because the lymphatic system coordinates the effective transportation of inflammatory me...
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